Game over...settled by the pope

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Turok, Jul 11, 2007.

  1. You are assuming a one life only proposition, not innumerable lives where one suffers and enjoys the consequences of a previous life/lives.

    Such a situation would be the most reasonable and fair situation possible, as a baby who suffers only does so due to the wrongs of the previous life.

    That we cannot see the programming from the past, doesn't mean it isn't there.

    So you are railing against your own idea of God, not really against God, however, the consequences will still be enjoyed and suffered in the future.

    If you are a victim of anything at all, it is from your own rage against the machine...

    The concept of reincarnation, which has been around much longer than Judeo Christian thought, would blow a gasket in your ego though, as your good fortune in this life would not then be a consequence of your "genius" but rather just the fruits of some good work in the past.

    Imagine if all you are doing now glorifiying your own ego in this little pond of ET would lead to being a guppie next time around....

    Anyone who has observed life has seen very hard workers with good minds struggle for no apparent reason, and then complete bozos glide along to fame and fortune because they had a "knack" for something.

    You are of course going to believe whatever you like, whatever fuels your neurosis, but again, that has nothing at all to do with the complete and fair system of cause and effect...

    #21     Jul 14, 2007
  2. bluud


    How do you know your God when you meet him? ... in other words what would prove to you that the being you are dealing with is the unlimited God?

    is bringing the world to an end via the judgment day and then resurrecting all humans according to the bible (or whatever book you believe in) and later putting them to hell or heaven sufficient enough to prove that the being who was responsible for all the above the unlimited being?

    What is your understanding of unlimited and infinite? How do you comprehend infinite and how are you capable of differentiating between an infinite being and a very powerful and capable being?

    I'll give you an example which might make things simpler to understand:

    let's say a human is 10 times more capable than a worm on a scale of 0 -> infinite (obviously we could state any number if we weren't comparing with anything, if we had assigned the number 2,352,453 it wouldn't change anything since the scale is 0 -> endless, anyhow)

    1000 is 100 times greater than 10, right?! an entity who is 100 times more capable than a human will be considered a God by most men if not all.

    10,000,000,000 is a Billion times greater than 10 .. how would humans see an entity a Billion times more capable than them?

    you could say 1,000,000,000,000,000 ... or 10 to the power of 4520 ... it really won't change anything

    the point is that no matter how powerful the entity that we are dealing with is, there is no way we or he is going to prove that he's the unlimited one ... unless he just makes us believe it, using his powers


    actually looking at how this whole universe is run; there is good reason to believe that the God that is running it, is not worth being worshipped, unless the point of worshiping him is ass kissing versus worshiping him for the great being he is ... let alone considering him the "endless one" by weak and fucked up entities he has created
    #22     Jul 14, 2007
  3. bluud


    How do you consider the system of cause and effect fair?! ... the idea of reincarnation is so disgusting so perverted ... it makes me ever so want to see that unlimited God of yours that created it, to fuck his soul for the fag he is ... let's assume you are right?! ... in the never ending loop of reincarnation that you define, I have one choice and one choice only ... to work and struggle all the way through eternity ... to devote my life to the fucking fag God ... to help the worthless pathetic poor people so I might have a richer life in the next one ... and this cycle is never going to end ... now I never wanted this cheap life from the start ... how can I end this fucking game your God is playing with me ... or is he so sick that he will force me to live, suffer and die and live, suffer and die tell I finally say ok you are right?

    I'd rather go with the stupid God defined in the bible or the quran, than your ever so sadistic God ... I'd rather reside in hell forever for saying God is a fucking fag in this world than live a never ending circle of cause and effect ... your God is fucking boring ... and I refuse to believe in his fucking gay ass in this world and accept your childish philosophy, at least in this life ... now if I am I in the next life I will still refuse .. but then it's not me is it?!
    #23     Jul 14, 2007
  4. And on what basis are you assuming the alternative? Because the idea of reincarnation has been around for a long time? Because man, in his infinite ego, refuses to accept a finite existence? Because a billion flies can't be wrong?
    #24     Jul 14, 2007
  5. Apart from your theory of non cause and effect purely random happenings in an otherwise very orderly planetary system, my theory makes the most sense.

    Not really my theory, but the theory that provides an explanation that is the simplest and shows the law of cause and effect.

    The law of Karma, cause and effect and reincarnation are the simplest explanation, and the evolutionary dribble is actually the most complex and least likely.

    So of course it is natural for "whatifers" choose the most complicated, as the thought of personal responsibility for one's destiny via a past doing doesn't allow them to be victims or blame God for their also allows the most ego pumping to think "my work and my brains" are the reason for my sucess...and their "stupidity and laziness" is the reason for their failures...

    Like the rule of following the money to find the real truth of a situation, following the blame/complexity game of the atheists will show the real and underlying motivations...though atheists will nearly always avoid going to the real motivation lurking at the base of their theories...
    #25     Jul 14, 2007
  6. bluud


    I must be fucking bored to post something on ET ... which I am ...

    You are too naive to believe that there is a simple answer for the happenings in this universe ...

    ok everyone, here you go, this is the solution to why 'this is this' and 'that is that'; it is called: if this then that

    your God is something like a supercomputer that runs multiple loops of 'if statements' simultaneously generating your universe of cause and effect ... that doesn't make him any smarter than any piece of shit

    also based on what do you assume an action will result in a said action? ... for instance how do you come up with; if you "lie to joe" you will "eat rotten eggs" in your next life?

    who was the cause of the first bad action (I love that word; bad ... it is so fucking childish) ... which in return started this chain reaction of all wrong doings?

    your system of thought actually supports those who think "my work and my brains" for their brains and life today is really their work either in this life or the previous

    a better view compared to yours would be; life is nothing but wasting time ... in the end (in death) it really doesn't matter how you have wasted it ... either by posting/reading shit on ET ... banging those cute asian girls ... killing iranians ... or just working to earn some cheap money ... all humans and their souls are too worthless to be considered eternal ... their life is so cheap so worthless success or loss has no meaning but only from their own social standards ... their existence is so pathetic that the universe would be better off without them.
    #26     Jul 14, 2007
  7. :confused:

    A loving being would not create limited beings.

    Man is limited, so he must not have been made in love.

    So man must have been 'made-up', and not created.

    Decision-making is alien to God's creation.

    Decision-making is relative to a selection process, which is relative to value judgments...all of which is alien to God's creation.

    A mind that judges will invent forms from which to select and see as a self concept.

    Man is an incorrect self-concept of a mind that judges and selects.

    Man is the end-product of a decision-making process.

    The decision-making process that leads to the concept of "man" is flawed from the very foundation.

    Man is built on a foundation that is not true, so man is not true.

    There is only one will.

    Man is the product of the idea that there is another will besides the one will.

    So man is the product of mental conflict.

    His decision-making gives evidence of such conflict.

    Everything made to confuse you can be used to undo confusion.

    Therefore you can decide to end conflict in the mind.

    This "converts" decision-making into something useful.

    I differ from you only in the decisions I've made to be unlimited, that is, to remain as I was created.

    Man is what is made of God's creation after it is twisted, beaten and crucified by a self-deceiving thought system.

    My will and the Father's will are one. Always has been, always will be forever.

    Your will is ultimately the same as mine.

    So there is really no conflict.

    Man is the symbol of conflict.

    What is a symbol?


    #27     Jul 15, 2007
  8. Sounds like gnashing of teeth.

    Upon this rock I will build my church:

    You are the Son of God.

    I recognize you as an equal, and as my brother.

    We are one. And you are sinless.

    The "gates of hell" will not prevail against oneness.

    Oneness is heaven.

    We are heaven.

    The gates of hell are well-guarded by the idea that you and I are separate and different.

    Look around at the devastation the idea of separation has wrought.

    The idea of separation is the devil.

    The gates of hell are barred shut by a concept: guilt.

    Such gates are designed to keep out the truth: universal innocence.

    The idea of separation fosters guilt.
    The idea of oneness dissolves guilt.

    Who teaches guilt condemns you to hell, where there is gnashing of teeth.

    Who teaches innocence leads you to heaven.

    Who teaches guilt locks you up, bars the door, and throws away the key.

    The keys to the Kingdom of God are given those who teach innocence.

    Those who teach innocence forgive.

    Forgiveness releases the latches on the bar across the gates of hell.

    All that is left to do is to walk out.

    Those who teach guilt bind your hands and fetter your feet to a ball and chain inside the gates of hell.

    I give you the keys to the Kingdom.

    I must build my church upon you.

    What choice do I have?

    You are the Son of God, my brother!

    Whatever you bind will be bound.

    Whatever you release will be released.

    You have the power to keep yourself and your brother in hell.

    You have the power to release yourself and your brother from hell.

    But you will not be released without your brother.

    No one is saved alone.

    Therefore you are my savior.

    I await your recognition of me as the Son of God.

    Who do you say that I am?

    Until you recognize me, you chain me inside the gates of hell.

    Recognize me, and you start a chain reaction...a web of connections.

    This web, built on the recognition of reality, will open the gates of hell, releasing the isolated and fenced-in.

    This web is "the church".

    It need not be "organized".

    The church is in the forgiveness business.

    Forgiveness is it's function.

    Forgiveness is simply to let what is true be true.

    What is true?

    You are the Son of God, and remain unchanged, and unchangeable by the idea of separation and guilt.

    God has only one Son.

    What is the world?

    It is a hell in which the one Son is mangled beyond recognition, scattered to the four winds, weakened, frightened, divided, and kept chained down by the idea of guilt.

    He is called by an alien name: "man" or "the son of man".

    He is looked upon as a body...easily attacked...vulnerable to vengeance.

    Why does the Son of God feel guilty?

    Because he thinks he has attacked the creation of his Creator.

    And so, he thinks he has attacked himself, stealing the Kingdom of God away from his Father.

    Who would not feel guilty for stealing an entire Kingdom? Who would not run for dear life in fear of retribution? Who would not seek a secure hide-out? Who would not bar the doors and put up a "Do Not Disturb" sign outside the door?

    Behold, the foundation upon which the entire world stands!

    Is it not silly?

    And because it is no foundation at all, it will crumble.

    There is no separation between you and God. It is a tiny mad idea that you forgot to laugh at. And taking it seriously, you made this entire world as a defense against the truth.

    Good news! The truth will prevail against your defenses. And you will be set free.

    Death is a defense against the truth.

    Oh Son of God, swear not to die!

    Death is a silly game played by the "guilty", to convince you that the crazy idea of attack is real.

    You cannot attack our Father, and you cannot hurt the Son of God!

    So you are innocent.

    Laugh at the stupidity of a crazy idea. Separate from God? Ha! Instead, take seriously only your innocence.

    This is the truth.

    What calls itself by the name of truth does not make it so by its naming.

    It is true if it represents the truth.

    #28     Jul 15, 2007
  9. This might sound controversial and stupid but what if there was thes hidden elements to pin the two religions against each other and against themselves.

    Sunni against Shia and Catholics against the rest of the family.

    I don't know but it really smells so fishy. It is not like the Catholic faith needs to feel threatened so why now and why this rigidness?!
    #29     Jul 15, 2007
  10. jem


    Its the man in charge. He has not a care in the world for P.C. He is only concerned with truth and accuracy.

    He pissed off many in the Church when in his previous off he wiped away hundreds if not thousands of years of Church teaching on Justification and agreed with Protestants that the works are independent of salvation.

    here is a link to one of the guys who was pissed off.

    So he pisses of the Catholics, then Muslims and now Protestants. Why, they can't handle the truth. (At least the truth as his well educated mind see it.)

    By the way except for helping defeat communism I was not fan of the last pope and said so on the board. I think this new one could fix the Church if he lives long enough.
    #30     Jul 16, 2007