Gain/Loss Reporting for Tradestation (TAX)

Discussion in 'Taxes and Accounting' started by abe12345, Mar 30, 2009.

  1. abe12345


    How do I get gain/loss reporting for tradestation, something like a schedule D. This site says:

    "FREE gain/loss reporting service
    Now available to certain other TradeStation Securities clients, this free service provides cost basis and capital gains calculations. Realized gain/loss reporting can help you complete your Schedule D or Form 4797. Select Download Manager, then under Download Criteria select Holdings - Realized Gain/Loss for Prior Year and export to Excel Format. Then to get year-end open positions download the report again for YTD and then select Holdings - Unrealized Gain/Loss (Expanded). Note: verify that all data was downloaded, since the "claimed" maximum download is 1,000 records at a time. Separately download year-end statements and 1099's under Documents, then Statements / Tax Docs."

    but I can't find this info on tradestation.

    Anyone know how I can get a schedule D type of gain loss statement for TS to use with form 4797?
  2. Surdo


    Why are you filing an IRS Form #4797?
    Did you sell live cattle last year or farmland?

    Broker's DO NOT provide you with a Schedule D, they provide you with a 1099 with the sales proceeds!

    You need to dig up the cost basis/dates of the opening transactions.
  3. abe12345


    If you elect MTM you file form 4797, and attach a statement similar to schedule D. And yes, some brokers do provide Schedule D, Interactive Brokers is one.