Gaddafi's Son Killed By Rebel Pilot Attack

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. pspr


    Khamis, 27, who runs the feared Khamis Brigade that has been prominent in its role of attacking rebel-held areas, is said to have died on Saturday night.
    A Libyan air force pilot crashed his jet into the Bab al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli in a kamikaze attack, Algerian TV reported following an unsubstantiated claim by an anti-Gaddafi media organisation.

    Read more:
  2. Great News!!!
  3. might be false news, none of the major media outlets reported it. It comes from Al Manara-a rebel media website:D
  4. pspr


    It seems Libya is denying the story and nobody knows for sure.
  5. Problem is these guys live by an eye for an eye. Even if we end our engagement in the next week we have invited a volley of Libyan terrorist attacks against us.
  6. Lucrum


    WTF was Odumbo thinking?
  7. 377OHMS


    Wait! What?

    I thought Obama toured the world apologizing and bowing deeply to all of the ME leaders. Are you trying to say that doesn't guarantee us security? We even canceled missile defense for Europe. Doesn't that buy us alot of good will and warm friendship in Iran?

    Are you trying to say the Obama regime is doing EXACTLY what George Bush did?

  8. pspr


    The difference is that George Bush wouldn't have sat there wringing his hands for a month before making a decision. Once you have the facts make the damn decision, Obama!
  9. Lucrum


    Well pretty much, except for some reason it's even more embarrassing when Odumbo does it.
  10. 377OHMS


    The Sect of State had to threaten to quit. We can't have that so we'll shoot off a bunch of cruise missiles like her husband did.

    Tonight somewhere in the Libyan desert stands a camel with a bullseye on his butt. :D
    #10     Mar 21, 2011