G.Bush ranked 36th out of the 42 Presidents

Discussion in 'Politics' started by insider trading, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. I think maybe your last haircut was a little too close.
    #11     Feb 17, 2009
  2. It is going to be funny watching the repugs try to avoid Bush over the next 4 to 8 years...of course these are the same repugs who blamed Bill Clinton for all the problems for 8 years of Bush...and some of the mental defectives are still blaming Clinton for today's problems.

    Then there are the truly brain damaged who want to blame FDR for everything...

    The bottom line is that the motto of the Reagan era voiced in "Wall Street" that "Greed is good" was just plain wrong.

    Greed got us into this mess.

    I don't know when the shift took place exactly, from the days when it was a virtue to be without debt, to be a saver, to live a simple life in America...but there is no doubt that the excesses began with Reagan's Voodoo economics and funny unregulated business on Wall Street.

    #12     Feb 17, 2009
  3. #13     Feb 17, 2009
  4. Might come as a surprise to some, but I tend to agree with your assessment of Ronnie Rayguns. He was no friend of the working man.
    I'm just confused with the rock star status that President Obama continues to maintain. The guy ran a great campaign, but during a campaign all one needs to do is talk a good show. It has become painfully obvious that when it comes to actual implementation, he and his administration are failing miserably.
    #14     Feb 17, 2009
  5. JFK prevented Nuclear WWIII.Abe saved the union the first time,JFK saved it the 2nd time

    Reagan did not end the cold war on his own doing.Russia was a shadow of its former self when Reagan came into office.Russia was a Grizzly bear with a short fuse and a hunger for war when Kennedy was in office,Russia was a poodle when Reagan came to office.If Reagan had faced the same Russia that JFK did he would not have ended anything
    #15     Feb 17, 2009
  6. He's not my guy but for jeebus sakes they haven't even been in office for 30 days yet.

    BTW: "Rayguns" I've never heard that...very funny. :D
    #16     Feb 17, 2009
  7. Lack of scandals???

    I guess trampling ALL over the U.S. Constitution and "cherry-picking" intelligence reports no longer qualifies as a scandal anymore . . . How pathetically sad.
    #17     Feb 17, 2009
  8. Obama has 4 years less a month or so (barring impeachment, which I doubt will happen.)

    I have seen some highly touted rookies come into the NFL and stink for a year or two then become all stars, seen the same in the NBA, in MLB, and then again, maybe Obama goes bust.

    Much too early to tell at this point.

    I do wonder this:

    Which would the repugs rather see happen?

    An Obama failure, which would mean disaster for the country but probably a republican administration in 4 years...

    Or would they be rooting for America to recover as quickly as possible no matter who is the president?

    Seems to me that those who opposed the wars following 9/11 were labeled by the repugs as haters of America, un patriotic, etc. by the same repugs who are hoping for disaster in America. In their view if you didn't support the war, that means you didn't support the troops.

    Now those same clowns and klannish are rooting for American to fail...

    Well the real troops of America are forming lines at the unemployment office...and if you don't support the man in power...isn't that the same as not supporting Bush in a time of war...no matter what Bush did?

    Things are pretty screwed up for sure, and what I don't see is that any of the politicians are placing the blame exactly where it belongs:


    If everyone had a sense that the buck stopped at their own home, we would not be where we are now.

    I am pretty bored with all the blame going to everywhere where nothing will change.

    It is up to the people to live their lives according to sound economic principles, then perhaps they can demand the same from their banker and their political agents.
    #18     Feb 17, 2009
  9. I think Jackson should be top 10.The only president to pay off the national debt.He also abolished the national bank,his generations equivalent of today's federal reserve

    We could really use a guy like him today
    #19     Feb 17, 2009
  10. Is that a rhetorical question?

    Ironic, eh?
    #20     Feb 17, 2009