FYI -- Terrorist Attack

Discussion in 'Politics' started by aphexcoil, Feb 12, 2003.

  1. ElCubano


    1 is too much if fighting for the wrong reason....Had this been a Son of yours it would make a World of difference.....anyways I understand your points and thank you for taking your time to explain them......have a beautiful day.....
    #51     Feb 18, 2003

  2. First of all, don't be so nice to me..... i lose my edge:) , secondly Im just pointing out that a lot of time there are legit stories and things to report but i dislike the hyperbole people attach to their story...You are right, if it had been my son or daughter , it would be one too you know how thousands feel after their sons and daughters were killed in the trade center and pentagon attacks.....One thing did puzzle me over the weekend:
    literally Millions poured out to protest a war against Iraq...Did Iraq have peace protests as well? and if so how may ?
    #52     Feb 18, 2003
  3. "By the way did you know that over 10,000 of our Gulf War veterans have died from the uranium exposure"

    ok i've got one for ya, did you know that 10,000 left wing non-trading propaganda spewing wacko's have decided to invade american trading web sites ? Maybe you should hook up with them and pass the bong around.
    #53     Feb 18, 2003
  4. ElCubano


    I can only imagine....but what does Saddam have to do with this?? I dont know wether they know something they cant share or we are just concentrating our efforts in the wrong area for the wrong reasons......what do you think???
    #54     Feb 18, 2003

  5. Both....but there is something to be said for the message that has been sent...Afghanistan was taken down, next iraq...and next??? N. Korea? iran? I think that despite the talk these countries will take notice and probably not participate in any activities that might be associated with ANY terror group....I would have to say this though: I find it so odd that people would protest a war with a manipulative gov't and despot like saddam, yet over the last 12 years nobody came out to protest his failure to diassarm, human atrocities,'s weird to me that people would almost align themselves with hi cause and that's exactly what they are doing...You know, if our congress had shown stronger support initially, and the cowardly euro countries had done the same...there would have been a strong message sent to Saddam (like 1991) and i would venture to guess he would have come clean....instead, I truly believe he has played the world for a fool ( again) and he must be laughing at these protesters helping his stall tactics. ,,that's what it amoutns to. Im just wondering if these anti war protesters who hate war at all costs, were protesting his war with 1) iran 2) Kuwait 3) his own people????
    #55     Feb 18, 2003
  6. I said a while back that Saddam could transfer his WMD to Iran, Syria, or through Jordan to somewhere else, because his borders hold NOTHING back.

    Well guess what, (3) 40,000 ton ships are cruising around the world, maintaining radio silence, that could be full of all kinds of nasty things, from Saddam.

    Don't worry we are keeping a close eye on them.

    See, I told you so.

    If we do nothing what happens? All kinds of hanky panky, and France and Germany are scared we're going to find proof of them helping Saddam.

    Saddam needs to be gone, I feel like the market will improve for real if we finally get this guy out of the way.

    By the way you cute little peace marchers for Saddam, guess how long you would live in Iraq if you whispered your support of another hostile reqime from inside Iraq.

    You would be killed and your entire family would be killed, down to third cousins.

    #56     Feb 19, 2003
    #57     Feb 19, 2003
  8. dgmodel

    dgmodel Guest

    talk about being paranoid...
    #58     Feb 19, 2003
  9. What Tom Ridge's wife had in mind....

    #59     Feb 19, 2003
  10. What Tom Ridge had in mind.....

    #60     Feb 19, 2003