I would like to know where I can find some realtime futures simulator so that I can train for trading new futures like emini EuroFX (E7) and Japanese Yen (J7). I am aware of CME simulator but never tried it. Are there other platforms available? Thanks
George, I haven't used it but you can get a free demo account here: http://www.fxfirst.com/free_demo.htm If you try it, please let us know what you thought. Richard
No it is different. Forex is not like futures even if you can find futures on currencies. Forex is dedicated to currencies trading and is not centralized, with various quotes and spreads (3 pips for EuroUSD, 4 pips somewhere else, even 5 pips).
george, don´t waste your time on the currency mini-contracts ... they´re illiquid/inactive most of the time. regards wild
I agree with the last post - unless you're going to use some kind of multi-week trend-following method, you're not going to be able to dodge and weave to well trying to daytrade the currencies. I can't claim to have ever bought any kind of currency contract myself, but I used to punch up the charts and there would only be a handful of data points most days indicating trades. As far as simulators go though, I've used Auditrack 3 or 4 different times, for several months at a clip, trying to work on my e-mini index trading ideas, and just to build my confidence. It costs something like $30 a month, but you get fills near-instantly, and day-after trade reports, just like a real broker.
I was referring in my last post to the e-mini-type currency contracts, not the big ones, or the interbank market, which from what I read has much deeper liquidity.