Futures-Trader, a Simulator for papertrading your IB account

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by croc1964, Jan 1, 2003.

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  1. croc1964


    I just wanted to let the group know, that I posted a Simulator for papertrading any kind of futures. Its using the IB datafeed, so if IB has it, u can papertrade it through Futures Trader realtime.
    If you have Ensign, you can even use the Playback datafeed to trade Playback files with Futures Trader. The necessary DLL and ESPL routines are included with Futures Trader.
    I will be frank, Futures Trader is a real Trading Program I'm using for my own trading and I'm not giving away the version for real trading for free. I added the papertrading capabilities, as I saw the need to papertrade extensively prior to putting money on the line or testing new strategies. But the Ensign Simbroker wasn't what I was used to, when I was trading real time. So it wasn't comparable. Now the only thing between a real trade and a Demo trade is a click on the Demo Mode Button. Believe me, it already tricked my mind.

    I'm offering the Papertrading only version for free, as I might not be the only one, who needs to papertrade first. The only thing I ask for, is feedback. Tell me if you like it or not, but especially tell me what you miss.

    If you want to take a look goto http://www.futures-trader.net

  2. Spark


    mkt is closed today, but i tried using ib's demo. it feeds your software but i can't execute orders. what could be rasons?

    also, the platform is big. is it possible to scale down, make fonts small, save screen space, etc? thanks.
  3. croc1964


    the Demoticker from IB often does not update prices, while Bid/Ask tick. Try a market order. This should give you an instant fill at the Ask, if going Long or the Bid if going short.

    Check if the T&S is updating and if you see prices in the Watchlist. If there is only 0, then you might have the Ensign feed instead of the IB Datafeed turned on.
    Its a button in the right hand corner.

    If you use Ensing you might setup the Ensign connection to trade Playback files with Futures Trader, instead of using Simbroker. If you have problems with the setup, send me an Email (croc1964@web.de) and we will setup a Paltalk session, to get you going.

    Re scaling down, its a general thing. There are good alternatives like AT/BT on the market for trading with a small frontend. I didn't like it, as they did not give me the information I wanted from a frontend. That's the reason I developed Futures-Trader as a stand alone Frontend, which is best run on a seperate display. I use a 17" display (which I got cheap from Ebay), with TWS below Futures-Trader or my Notebook to trade with Futures-Trader.

    I might add a functionality to close different parts of Futures-Trader, but its nothing on my priority list, as I think Futures-Trader is best used on a dedicated trading-computer.

  4. Croc
    This looks really nice, I will download it and try it. I am just curious, did you do the programming for this yourself? And if so do you do programming for hire. Thanks Nas
  5. croc1964


    Hi Nas,
    yes I do the programming myself. And I'm also doing programming for hire. Normally I'm calculating a project on a per hour basis and giving you a fixprice for the project. Send me an Email to croc1964@web.de if your interested.

  6. croc1964


    just wanted to let everyone know, that Futures-Trader now also supports Papertrading Stocks.

    It will use simulated iceberg orders for any order of more than 1000 shares. So don't be surprised, if you see partial fills.

    I also changed the Demo-Orderfill routine: If the market goes against your position, you won't get an immediate fill at your stop price. Instead it will try to fill you as it goes. Just be happy its only a Demoaccount. The same goes with Market or Limit orders. They normally won't fill immediately, unless you trade no more than 100 shares. So as in real trading, the fill you get might not be what you expected it to be.

    To download goto www.futures-trader.net

  7. croc1964


    FT V1.58

    Futures-Trader now detects the Interactive Brokers API version installed on your computer.
    If you try to run the "wrong" Futures-Trader version for your API, you will get a warning and the steps to get you going will be shown.

    The Version number in the right bottom corner now shows the API version FT was compiled for (FT61- in case of the API 6.1 version), the version number and the API version detected on your computer.

    eg: for a computer with API 6.1 installed the line should read FT61-1.58-6.1

    If, for any reasons whatsoever, the line reads FT61-1.58-6.0, but FT is working, then you should reinstall Interactive Brokers API 6.1, as even if you have API 6.1 registered on your computer the IB installation routine did not update all API 6.1 files correctly.

    FT 1.56
    I added ESignal-Support and thereby needed to add a further dll to Futurestrader.

    So, if you get a warning during install, that a file (FM20.dll, MSwinsock.dll) is in use, just press ignore. You then already have the necessary files and it should work fine without FT reinstalling it.
    Please make sure, that the update installs in your current Futurestrader folder.

    This version has some enhancements concerning bracket trades: You can place an order (eg 2 contracts long) with one common initial Stop and 2 different target prices. There will be 4 orders sent to IB:
    1 stop loss / profit stop for the initial target (eg 3 ticks)
    1 stop loss / profit stop for the runner (eg 20 ticks)

    Once the first order has been filled, you still need to reset your Stop. A slight problem in the Simulator not honoring OCA groups. Its on the todo list.
    If you want to reset the Bracket, just adjust the ticknumbers and press Set new bracket

    I also changed the way a hardstop at the exchange is set. You now just enter the price you want the Stop set and press Stop.
    If the Stopbutton is pressed prior of placing a trade, it will transmit the Stop once you get actually filled

    A doubleclick on the Accountwindow makes all entries invisible. This way you can make a screenshot without actually having to erase the Account values manually with your graphics suite. Also if there is a problem, you could just send me a copy of the screenshot without transmitting your account entries. Please be aware, that the Profit/loss sometimes refreshes itself, even when the entries should be invisible. Just dblclick again, to make it again totally invisible. I had to do it this way, to avoid a nasty flicker in the account screen.
    I added the Swiss Franc to the Account currencies, as I started today trading the Swiss SMI futures.

    I added a small range evaluation tool, to let you see the Range of the last x bars. Adjust the number of bars, u want to monitor. Its always based on the timeframe shown in your chart window.

    I removed the Risk Control Button, which adjusted the Trailing Stop to be just outside of the current range, as it created confusion between users, when it changed previously entered trails.
    I also removed the buttons to cover 1 contract x ticks away, as it cluttered the screen and wasn't used widely. Use Cover at target instead.

    Partial Profits are now shown in the statistics window, if you partially close a position.

    The ESignal Datafeed support is working, but it needs further evaluation, so its beta for the moment.
    In your Futurestrader folder is a new exe file named ESignalfeed3.exe
    Make sure that the ESignal Datamanger is running, then start Futurestrader. Last start ESignalfeed3 and press Req Data
    I suggest adding a link to it on your Desktop.

    In Futurestrader switch from IB to ES Datafeed. If you click on clocks the grid right of the time-tool says ESignalfeed. You should see it counting upwards, while Futurestrader is receiving quotes from the ESignalfeed3.exe program.
    You should see the quotes rolling in.If you have any questions re the ESignal support, just E-Mail me at croc1964@web.de
  8. croc1964



    this Version 1.60 incorporates some ideas I got from users, who gave me their feedback or asked for specific things to be added.
    Special thanks to clueless, who gave me the idea and Fitzy and R7, whose Tradespreadsheet I used to develop the Tradeevaluation module in Futures-Trader.

    I hope you like Futures-Trader and I'm still grateful for comments or bugreports.
    Download from www.futures-trader.net as usual.

    cu in Woodies room,

    chris (aka croc1964)

    FT 1.60
    Added a Trade Evaluation module. Click on and take a look. Objective and subjective data will be saved. The trade data is taken from the chart values shown at the time of the opening and closing of the trade. So you should select a timeframe you'r also watching on your chartprogram to get comparable results. The CCI/TCCI values will differ, as IB's datafeed does not provide real tickdata, but only updates every 0.7 seconds, if something has changed.

    The subjective data are divided in two parts: The reasons for the trade and your feelings in the trade together with surrounding conditions. To set a setting click on the light blue field, left of the entry you think appropriate. The field will turn light yellow to indicate it has been selected. While on some fields, you can select only one field, on others you can select more appropriate entries. YJust try it. You can also enter a comment to further describe the trade. If you want to change the Tradeevaluation sheet for a trade already done, switch to Eval and doubleclick on the trade you want to change in the window showing the Profit & Loss for each trade.

    The tradeinfo is saved in the report file, and I will add a feature to load a saved file and to print a trade evaluation sheet later. So start making notes. You might also load the Statistic file into Excel or another Spreadsheet, to evaluate it further. (The selection entries are binary coded (as 0 and 1) and saved up to down and left to right.)

    At the right side of the Connect button is a Button labelled Top which will keep Futures-trader on Top of your windows, even if it looses focus

    The Demo/real trade Buttons are bigger to make it obvious, if you trade real or not.

    The 3-Minute clock can now be set to countdown any number of minutes you like. Just adjust the tiny number right of the clock with your mousewheel to any number you like

    I added a Riskcalculation to the open contracts line. It will show you in $, what your set stop will cost you, when hit. If the value turn positive on a green background, your in for a free ride. The same calculation is done, when u prepare a Bracket order. If you'r in no Position and have neither set the Trailing Stop button, or the Stop Button or the Bracket Trade button, then the Risk evaluation field will show "No Stop".
    This indicates, that, if you opened a position right now, it would not be protected by a Stop. Btw: You can also prepare a Stop before you open a position, by clicking the Stop Button, when you'r not in the position. Just as you do with the Bracket function.

    I added a Reverse at Market button. Futures Trader will actually send two orders. One to cover your open position and one to open the reverse one.

    You can now set again the Hardstop, which is set at the exchange, to be x ticks away from the filled price. Just click into the field , which then turns white to indicate, its the active function. You might also point your mouse in the field and turn the wheel. To switch again, just click in the Stopprice field. After a fill, If the Stopprice-function is active and your set Stopprice is higher than the last price shown, the T away field will turn negative with a red background. Futures-Trader decides whether you want to go long or short by following your mousemovement over the Go long and Go short buttons.

    The prices shown on the chart are now at the exact position, where this price will print. Therefore the Fibonacci-lines shown on the chart do no longer align exactly with these numbers, but it makes the chart clearer to read, so its worth it.
  9. croc1964


    I just wanted to let the group know, that I made again some enhancements to FuturesTrader, which might be of interest to you.
    Take a look at www.Futures-Trader.net


    FT 1.60 / V1.62

    Added a Trade Evaluation module. Click on <Eval> and take a look. Objective and subjective data will be saved. The trade data is taken from the chart values shown at the time of the opening and closing of the trade. So you should select a timeframe you'r also watching on your chartprogram to get comparable results. The CCI/TCCI values will differ, as IB's datafeed does not provide real tickdata, but only updates every 0.7 seconds, if something has changed.

    The subjective data are divided in two parts: The reasons for the trade and your feelings in the trade together with surrounding conditions. To set a setting click on the light blue field, left of the entry you think appropriate. The field will turn light yellow to indicate it has been selected. While on some fields, you can select only one field, on others you can select more appropriate entries. YJust try it. You can also enter a comment to further describe the trade. If you want to change the Tradeevaluation sheet for a trade already done, switch to Eval and doubleclick on the trade you want to change in the window showing the Profit & Loss for each trade.

    The tradeinfo is saved in the report file, and I will add a feature to load a saved file and to print a trade evaluation sheet later. So start making notes. You might also load the Statistic file into Excel or another Spreadsheet, to evaluate it further. (The selection entries are binary coded (as 0 and 1) and saved up to down and left to right.)

    At the right side of the Connect button is a Button labelled Top which will keep Futures-trader on Top of your windows, even if it looses focus

    I've added a Pivot chart. The bigger left candle is the timeframe prior to the one you are seing on the chart. So if you use it, the small candles will be a continuation of the one long candle. In Fibonacci Mode the long candle is all of the small candles together and the levels are displayed as Fibonacci numbers. Until the chart has enough bars the Pivot mode will build the long candle also from the small bars taken together.

    Added Tom DeMarks Price Projections to the "Long Candle" information

    The Demo/real trade Buttons are bigger to make it obvious, if you trade real or not.

    The 3-Minute clock can now be set to countdown any number of minutes you like. Just adjust the tiny number right of the clock with your mousewheel to any number you like

    I added a Riskcalculation to the open contracts line. It will show you in $, what your set stop will cost you, when hit. If the value turn positive on a green background, your in for a free ride. The same calculation is done, when u prepare a Bracket order. If you'r in no Position and have neither set the Trailing Stop button, or the Stop Button or the Bracket Trade button, then the Risk evaluation field will show "No Stop".
    This indicates, that, if you opened a position right now, it would not be protected by a Stop. Btw: You can also prepare a Stop before you open a position, by clicking the Stop Button, when you'r not in the position. Just as you do with the Bracket function.

    I added a Reverse at Market button. Futures Trader will actually send two orders. One to cover your open position and one to open the reverse one.

    You can now set again the Hardstop, which is set at the exchange, to be x ticks away from the filled price. Just click into the field <T away>, which then turns white to indicate, its the active function. You might also point your mouse in the field and turn the wheel. To switch again, just click in the Stopprice field. After a fill, If the Stopprice-function is active and your set Stopprice is higher than the last price shown, the T away field will turn negative with a red background. Futures-Trader decides whether you want to go long or short by following your mousemovement over the Go long and Go short buttons.

    The prices shown on the chart are now at the exact position, where this price will print. Therefore the Fibonacci-lines shown on the chart do no longer align exactly with these numbers, but it makes the chart clearer to read, so its worth it.
  10. kenokabe

    kenokabe Guest

    Well, if you say honest, state clearly you charge $100, and it is free only for the paper trading mode.

    I'm not against your business, but too many sites and people around hide their true intention behind the word- IT'S FREE.
    I simply feel it is not fair to say free in the top and mention the price at the very bottom of the page.

    I myself is a programmer and use my own TWS interface, too.
    #10     Feb 2, 2003
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