Futures have dropped! Great buying opportunity here?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Aj2014, Sep 14, 2017.

  1. Aj2014


    look at the market. Took a dump there for some reason

    Looks like an unsustainable drop and we should bounce hard fairly soon.

    Anyone in yet, or waiting for the market open?
  2. A 1/4 of 1% "dump" is a "great buying opportunity"??
  3. I doubt they'll let it go too much lower before they rally it to new highs to be honest.
  4. BTFD!
    theapprentice likes this.
  5. cvds16


    no NQ is a short
  6. nice call. getting back to the highs here
  7. Aj2014


    indeed it was :)
  8. cvds16


    it won't be going to new highs, you guys need better chart reading skills
  9. Hell YEAH! 5 whole points!
  10. Handle123


    Am staying long stocks and new contract highs will hedge with short Indexes at signals. Alas, the yo yo affect.
    #10     Sep 14, 2017