Futures Commission Advice

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by xfe, Jan 2, 2008.

  1. xfe



    I’m hoping to get advice on futures commissions. I would like to negotiate for lower rates, but I’m not sure what I should go for. I have a six-figure full-service account with a major futures house, set up through an LLC. The account includes access to an execution desk, research, and T-bills as margin (however I don’t use the execution desk). Recently I’ve been trading around 50 lots a day (25 round turns), but it’s hard to say what I’ll trade going forward because I’m somewhat of an opportunistic trader. I trade futures electronically, and pay 1.75 (per side) commission + 0.50 (per side) electronic platform charge + clearing/processing and NFA fees. So for example in COMEX Gold this comes to 3.82 per side. I also trade options through give-up brokers, and pay 1.75 to my house + the give-up brokerage + fees.

    It is the 1.75 commission to my house that I am looking to negotiate, and possibly an elimination of the 0.50 electronic platform charge. Can anyone give me an idea of a fair rate that I should look for? Thanks very much and happy New Year.
  2. def

    def Sponsor