Fully automated futures trading

Discussion in 'Journals' started by globalarbtrader, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Can you point to the piece of code that isn't clear?

    #351     May 5, 2016
  2. isotope1


    #352     May 5, 2016
  3. To be clear: this code returns a position; sometimes given only a forecast, but possibly also with other information. Essentially it does all the calculations in chapter 7-10 of the book "in one go" from forecast to position, making assumptions where it needs to. It "works" because we evaluate forecast p&l for bootstrapping making the same assumptions which means we know what the implicit vol target of the little subsystem trading just one market and trading rule is.


    #353     May 5, 2016
  4. Monthly review (last one was April 5th)



    P&L period: -10.0%
    P&L to date: 88.1%
    Drawdown: 13.5%

    A bit of a bump in the road. Three weeks of bleeding slowly to death, followed by a flat period as I've almost completely derisked. A 13.5% d/d is by no means lethal. It's only slightly higher than the d/d I had a couple of months ago. It's about half the ~20% d/d I was running in the middle of last year. I'm still up, what, 12% for the calendar year? I've made more than 30% in the last 12 months, compared to backtested averages of 18%. It's important to keep all this in perspective.

    On interesting thing is I tend to find I check my p&l less when I'm losing money; whilst each new HWM I like to see happening in real time.


    Soybean +16K


    BTP -2.7K
    Corn -3.5K
    Crude -8.7K
    Gas -3.7K
    Hedged equities -8.6K

    A very interesting month. I can't remember the last time I saw such stark dispersion. Pretty much every trade I had on lost money - a lot of trends reversed. Except soybean. This is an interesting example of typical trend following skewed returns, lots of small losers, small number of big winners, but in the cross section. That's why diversification is so important. In a month when only a few things trend you need have enough things in your portfolio to have a chance of including the stuff that works.

           code contractid  positions   Lock WrongContract InFwdNotRoll
    6      BOBL     201606          1  False         False        False
    3      CORN     201612         -2  False         False        False
    4   EDOLLAR     201906          9  False         False        False
    5   EDOLLAR     201909          4  False         False        False
    17  EUROSTX     201606         -9  False         False        False
    2    GAS_US     201607         -2  False         False        False
    11      GBP     201606          1  False         False        False
    14     KR10     201606          3  False         False        False
    13      KR3     201606         10  False         False        False
    15  LIVECOW     201610         -1  False         False        False
    1       MXP     201606          1  False         False        False
    12      NZD     201606          1  False         False        False
    0      PLAT     201607          1  False         False        False
    16  SOYBEAN     201611          4  False         False        False
    18      US2     201606          2  False         False        False
    9       US5     201606          1  False         False        False
    8       V2X     201606         -4  False         False        False
    10      VIX     201606         -1  False         False        False
    7     WHEAT     201612         -1  False         False        False

    A minor point to make here is I'm delaying my V2X roll because the rolldown on the June's I'm holding is extraordinary; a very weird shaped curve (I'm short).

    Price matrix
                         201605  201606  201607  201608
    2016-05-03 23:00:00   25.95  28.550   26.60   26.35
    2016-05-04 23:00:00   26.50  28.700   27.05   26.70

           code  multisignal  expected_annual_risk  expected_annual_risk_per_contract  position  expected_annual_risk_rounded_pos
    7      BOBL          2.0                  1366                               1799         1                              1799
    15      US5          3.8                  2643                               2340         1                              2340
    13      US2          4.6                  3190                               1367         2                              2734
    28      MXP          2.5                  1743                               2950         1                              2950
    6       KR3          8.9                  6109                                556        10                              5557
    26      GBP         10.8                  7451                               5718         1                              5718
    5      KR10         10.4                  7125                               2235         3                              6705
    29      NZD          4.6                  3166                               6896         1                              6896
    33     PLAT          8.4                  5791                               8251         1                              8251
    36  EDOLLAR         25.2                 17308                               1333        13                             17333
    3   SOYBEAN         27.5                 18887                               5091         4                             20363
    16      V2X         -6.1                  4220                                804        -4                              3217
    4     WHEAT         -9.9                  6788                               5074        -1                              5074
    2   LIVECOW         -6.7                  4634                               5874        -1                              5874
    17      VIX         -9.4                  6453                               6308        -1                              6308
    0      CORN         -6.1                  4178                               3236        -2                              6471
    35   GAS_US        -13.7                  9414                               6098        -2                             12195
    36  EDOLLAR         25.2                 17308                               1333        13                             17333
    3   SOYBEAN         27.5                 18887                               5091         4                             20363
    Soybean my biggest long on the back of that huge rally. Otherwise my risk is really, really tiny. About 40% of the average.

              code contractid     filled_datetime  filledtrade  filledprice
    9886       AEX     201605 2016-04-14 14:35:02            1   444.650000
    10153      AEX     201605 2016-04-28 10:24:25           -1   440.000000
    10165      AEX     201605 2016-04-29 08:01:05            1   442.250000
    10168      AEX     201605 2016-04-29 14:22:33           -1   439.300000
    9835       AUD     201606 2016-04-08 03:13:18           -1     0.750300
    9853       AUD     201606 2016-04-12 02:52:10            1     0.759900
    9931       AUD     201606 2016-04-18 15:35:50            1     0.771500
    10078      AUD     201606 2016-04-25 02:38:11           -1     0.768200
    10144      AUD     201606 2016-04-28 02:46:01           -1     0.757600
    10057     BOBL     201606 2016-04-21 11:47:44           -1   131.060000
    10150     BOBL     201606 2016-04-28 08:17:17           -1   131.160000
    9799       BTP     201606 2016-04-07 08:40:22           -1   139.980000
    9823       BTP     201606 2016-04-07 14:30:14           -1   138.790000
    9838       BTP     201606 2016-04-08 08:55:41           -1   139.060000
    10135      BTP     201606 2016-04-27 08:01:22           -1   137.390000
    10156      BTP     201606 2016-04-28 11:19:33            1   138.290000
    10066     BUND     201606 2016-04-22 08:41:45           -1   162.480000
    9877       CAC     201605 2016-04-14 08:45:34            1  4407.000000
    10216      CAC     201605 2016-05-04 11:06:17           -1  4295.500000
    9820    COPPER     201609 2016-04-07 12:27:39           -1     2.123000
    9940    COPPER     201609 2016-04-19 16:05:48            1     2.234500
    9880      CORN     201612 2016-04-14 14:30:08            1   383.250000
    9919      CORN     201612 2016-04-15 16:10:39            1   387.500000
    10045     CORN     201612 2016-04-20 14:30:00            1   397.000000
    10075     CORN     201612 2016-04-22 14:30:31            1   390.750000
    9856   CRUDE_W     201612 2016-04-12 13:00:49            1    44.850000
    10159  CRUDE_W     201612 2016-04-28 13:47:01            1    47.870000
    10039  EDOLLAR     201909 2016-04-20 13:38:13            1    98.510000
    9841   EUROSTX     201606 2016-04-08 09:02:31            3  2828.000000
    9847   EUROSTX     201606 2016-04-11 08:01:22            1  2829.000000
    9811    GAS_US     201606 2016-04-07 12:20:30           -1     1.994000
    9832    GAS_US     201606 2016-04-07 16:21:10            1     2.068000
    9871    GAS_US     201606 2016-04-13 14:01:26            1     2.091000
    9874    GAS_US     201606 2016-04-14 06:28:17           -1     2.118000
    10042   GAS_US     201606 2016-04-20 14:05:00            1     2.196000
    10081   GAS_US     201606 2016-04-25 12:02:44            1     2.257000
    10138   GAS_US     201607 2016-04-27 14:27:19           -1     2.270000
    10222   GAS_US     201607 2016-05-04 12:29:34           -1     2.231000
    10063      GBP     201606 2016-04-21 14:05:19            1     1.442800
    10162      GBP     201606 2016-04-29 02:51:18            1     1.465000
    10225      GBP     201606 2016-05-04 15:22:10           -1     1.449500
    10186     GOLD     201606 2016-05-03 12:19:52            1  1295.600000
    10219     GOLD     201606 2016-05-04 12:25:05           -1  1277.700000
    9796       JPY     201606 2016-04-07 03:11:14            1     0.009158
    9889       JPY     201606 2016-04-15 03:07:47           -1     0.009129
    9922       JPY     201606 2016-04-18 02:34:29            1     0.009260
    10051      JPY     201606 2016-04-20 20:14:28           -1     0.009129
    9850       KR3     201606 2016-04-12 03:06:41            1   110.290000
    10054      KR3     201606 2016-04-21 05:01:20           -1   110.200000
    10147      KR3     201606 2016-04-28 04:07:16            1   110.360000
    9913   LEANHOG     201606 2016-04-15 14:32:35           -1    77.025000
    10183      MXP     201606 2016-05-03 02:13:27            1     0.057930
    9829    NASDAQ     201606 2016-04-07 15:49:18           -1  4489.750000
    9916    NASDAQ     201606 2016-04-15 14:34:44            1  4542.250000
    10126   NASDAQ     201606 2016-04-25 14:00:27           -1  4457.000000
    9925       NZD     201606 2016-04-18 04:40:43            1     0.689600
    9865       OAT     201606 2016-04-13 08:20:03           -1   158.050000
    9934       OAT     201606 2016-04-19 10:57:55           -1   157.810000
    10177     PLAT     201607 2016-05-02 12:13:16            1  1083.200000
    9892       SMI     201606 2016-04-15 08:43:26            1  7938.000000
    10174      SMI     201606 2016-05-02 08:15:41           -1  7928.000000
    9859   SOYBEAN     201611 2016-04-12 13:07:33            1   945.250000
    9928   SOYBEAN     201611 2016-04-18 13:01:59            1   970.250000
    10123  SOYBEAN     201611 2016-04-25 12:45:24           -1   978.750000
    10210  SOYBEAN     201611 2016-05-03 12:54:58            1  1028.000000
    9862     SP500     201606 2016-04-12 14:34:17           -1  2037.250000
    9883     SP500     201606 2016-04-14 14:04:16            1  2078.250000
    10171    SP500     201606 2016-04-29 15:12:06           -1  2058.500000
    10213     US10     201606 2016-05-03 15:40:00           -1   130.421875
    9826       US2     201606 2016-04-07 14:35:50            1   109.406250
    9844       US5     201606 2016-04-08 16:56:09            1   121.453125
    10048      US5     201606 2016-04-20 18:57:27           -1   120.789062
    9868       V2X     201606 2016-04-13 08:33:22           -1    27.500000
    9943       V2X     201605 2016-04-20 08:18:36            1    23.050000
    9946       V2X     201606 2016-04-20 08:18:36           -1    27.600000
    9949       V2X     201606 2016-04-20 08:24:07           -1    27.550000
    10132      V2X     201606 2016-04-26 08:07:25           -1    27.200000
    9937     WHEAT     201612 2016-04-19 13:14:32            1   507.250000
    10060    WHEAT     201612 2016-04-21 12:02:34            1   537.500000
    10141    WHEAT     201612 2016-04-27 14:32:11            1   512.250000
    Expected slippage £328
    Actual £115. A saving of £110 not much in the face of a 40 grand loss, but every little helps!

    As you'd expect from a bad month, a lot of choppy trades.

    #354     May 5, 2016
  5. tradrjoe


    Sorry if you already have this posted somewhere in the thread -- what is your full universe of futures? Do you trade all of these instruments on the same platform?
    #355     May 5, 2016
  6. Code:
           code       fx      vol  pointvalue  expected_annual_risk_per_contract
    11    SHATZ  1.14905   0.0270        1000                                343
    6       KR3  0.00087   0.0575     1000000                                550
    16      V2X  1.14905   0.6170         100                                782
    36  EDOLLAR  1.00000   0.0482        2500                               1330
    13      US2  1.00000   0.0609        2000                               1345
    7      BOBL  1.14905   0.1420        1000                               1801
    5      KR10  0.00087   0.2311     1000000                               2213
    15      US5  1.00000   0.2087        1000                               2303
    28      MXP  1.00000   0.0005      500000                               2915
    0      CORN  1.00000   5.7743          50                               3186
    1   LEANHOG  1.00000   0.8491         400                               3748
    12     US10  1.00000   0.3528        1000                               3893
    37  EUROSTX  1.14905  37.2879          10                               4728
    4     WHEAT  1.00000   9.1172          50                               5030
    3   SOYBEAN  1.00000   9.9404          50                               5484
    26      GBP  1.00000   0.0081       62500                               5586
    8       BTP  1.14905   0.4580        1000                               5807
    2   LIVECOW  1.00000   1.3716         400                               6054
    17      VIX  1.00000   0.5501        1000                               6070
    35   GAS_US  1.00000   0.0558       10000                               6157
    9      BUND  1.14905   0.4899        1000                               6212
    10      OAT  1.14905   0.5047        1000                               6400
    20      CAC  1.14905  51.8623          10                               6576
    29      NZD  1.00000   0.0060      100000                               6662
    23    SP500  1.00000  13.2490          50                               7310
    25      EUR  1.00000   0.0055      125000                               7542
    24      AUD  1.00000   0.0069      100000                               7662
    18    KOSPI  0.00087   1.6344      500000                               7828
    22   NASDAQ  1.00000  35.6690          20                               7872
    33     PLAT  1.00000  14.2950          50                               7887
    30   COPPER  1.00000   0.0300       25000                               8274
    34  CRUDE_W  1.00000   0.8250        1000                               9103
    21      SMI  1.04477  82.6251          10                               9526
    32   PALLAD  1.00000   9.1143         100                              10057
    14     US20  1.00000   0.9651        1000                              10650
    27      JPY  1.00000   0.0001    12500000                              11457
    19      AEX  1.14905   4.6705         200                              11844
    31     GOLD  1.00000  12.7812         100                              14104
    Yes all on IB.

    #356     May 6, 2016
  7. isotope1


    Yes, thank you! It's a bit of a leap thinking of 'volatility first' the whole time! :)
    #357     May 6, 2016
  8. Yes, I still remember nearly 10 years ago when I first had the concept explained to me, and it certainly took a few attempts at working through it to "get" it.

    #358     May 6, 2016
  9. tradrjoe


    Any particular reason why you don't have any ICE names on the list? (brent, sugar, coffee, etc). One would think they could further add to your diversification.
    #359     May 6, 2016
  10. https://www.interactivebrokers.co.uk/en/index.php?f=14193

    ICE futures data costs $120 a month.

    Now, if I had a multiple of my current capital I'd probably swallow that. But I'm already at my limit for markets, so if I included ICE I'd have to take something else out.

    #360     May 6, 2016