fulfilling your dreams and reaching your destiny

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by nkhoi, Jun 1, 2004.

  1. nkhoi


  2. I bet he is not a roman catholic monk. These are pretty greedy.
    And horny .
  3. abogdan


    The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, used this money to write the book, made lots of money on this book and bought a Rolls Royce. :D
  4. nkhoi


    the review http://www.claritysuccesscoaching.com/Atcls_Monk.html

    The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is a book about a high powered lawyer named Julian Mantle who lived his life to the brink of his demise, before finding out that everything he was doing was an effort to achieve what other people had convinced him was important. He sets off on a search of what is important to him and strategies that will enable him to live the life he desires. You don't have to be a high powered lawyer or even know someone who has a Ferrari to understand how profound Julian's discovery was.