From $60K to $600K

Discussion in 'Journals' started by destriero, Jun 18, 2019.

  1. destriero


    $4,981 gained. 8.2% on account. >2x risk.


    AMZN asym-fly (synthetic) for JUL5 was closed 15 minutes ago. There was no juice left in the body. It was trading to 75D per contract.

    Currently holding bear flies for NFLX JUL19 (-12D) and AAPL JUL5 (-7D).
    #141     Jul 1, 2019
    johnarb, trader99, contra and 2 others like this.
  2. 2020? Seems inefficient to me as the vast majority of equity declines are sharp and short in duration. Then again, I have no feel for diagonals.
    #142     Jul 1, 2019
  3. destriero


    AAPL, NFLX and SPY flies performing as predicted. 10/11 win days.

    #143     Jul 2, 2019
    .sigma, johnarb, NQurious and 2 others like this.
  4. destriero


    Covered the SPY bear position. I will not hold short index into 7/4. +$800 on the day. +$5,500 from inception. +9%. 3x risk.

    $420K hit.

    #144     Jul 2, 2019
    johnarb, yc47ib and NQurious like this.
  5. techlogik


    This is impressive if you are trading options primarily. Sounds risky and aggressive. But, you must have a system and method that works no matter what kind of trading.

    How can we follow and get more info on your trading style/methods friend? I can read your posts. My searches are not good...oh, looks like a TDAmeritrade screenshot there. Must have paid $100K in trading fees at least by now!!! Haha..I know the feeling. I'll read back more on your logs...thanks.
    #145     Jul 2, 2019
  6. When did you open the SPY bear position? You mentioned "getting short index tomorrow" yesterday, I assume this is referring to this trade?

    Hope you don't mind me asking this question, as a new trader I am just trying to understand what you are doing. Then later hopefully I can start figuring out why you are doing it ;-)
    #146     Jul 2, 2019
  7. destriero


    The closing action was a setup that I normally trade. That 45-degree short cover.
    #147     Jul 2, 2019
    johnarb likes this.
  8. Thanks for replying but unfortunately I don't understand what you are saying.
    If you could explain that would be great, but no hard feelings should you prefer not to enter "for dummies" territory here.
    #148     Jul 2, 2019
  9. destriero


    This closing move is something that I model.

    #149     Jul 2, 2019
  10. destriero


    I pay $0.50 per contract with no ticket fee. I risk SPX beta.

    My handles (have been) riskarb, atticus, drownpruf... others that I cannot recall.
    #150     Jul 2, 2019
    Adam777 and RRY16 like this.