Friend doing cocaine

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by cgtrader, Sep 18, 2008.

  1. Ok so what's your take on cocaine use?

    I have a now ex-girlfriend who said she did it occasionally once a month or so, said she had no problem with it.

    Then she does it right in front of me and lies to me about doing it. Totally denies doing it, even though I knew for sure. What a loser.

    I got real mad and told her to get out of my life for good.

    Overreaction or smart thing to do?

    I've tried it twice but stay away from it as seen a few friends get into it badly.

    Does every user end up and addict, how do you know?
  2. Are you serious, asking if this is okay..? Be a man and help your girl to stop. If she thinks it's fun get rid of her. Harden the fuck up mate. DRUGS ARE FOR LOSERS.

    Rennick out:cool:
  3. mxjones


    Ok so what's your take on robbing convenience stores?

    I have a now ex-girlfriend who said she did it occasionally once a month or so, said she had no problem with it.

    Then she does it right in front of me and lies to me about doing it. Totally denies doing it, even though I knew for sure. What a loser.

    I got real mad and told her to get out of my life for good.

    Overreaction or smart thing to do?

    I've tried it twice but stay away from it as seen a few friends get into it badly.

    Does every robber end up killing somebody eventually, how do you know?
  4. Does every user end up and addict, how do you know?


    I've never regretted walking out in the middle of a movie.
  5. Sounds like you already made a decision and now you're questioning whether your decision was just.

    Seems like you had two issues going on there. One is lying and the other is doing cocaine; neither of which yield a fruitful relationship. Those two in combination usually yield even more problems like finances, infidelity (do you really want to question in the future whether you're the father of her children?/ STD's coming home, etc.) and on and on.

    You'll be better off going forward. Just need to get through it.

    Smart thing to do!
  6. LOL! Brilliant!
  7. If she does it right in front of you and then lies, she's an addict. You cannot help her. In fact, by leaving the relationship, you will help her more, because she will be that much closer to hitting rock bottom. If you feel you must help, tell her to call you when she's willing to get help. Maybe you could look up some free resources. NA and AA are two.

    Stay away form her, as she will eventually be arrested, and you too right along with her if you're there. She is putting you in danger. If arrested for drugs, you will have much more limited career choices.

    This advice comes from seeing this happens to others, not just from me guessing.
  8. ElCubano


    tough love is the only way.

    Trust me, I am a product of the cocaine heydays. I have seen families bought to their knees from crack and cocaine.
  9. Wise words.

    The OP implied he thought his ex GF had a problem. Trust me, you can't solve it. She can bring you down however.
  10. When a cocaine addict hits "rock" bottom, does that mean that they're going to cross over into the exciting world of the crack rock?
    #10     Sep 18, 2008