Fresh Mediterranean restaurant concept

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by nursebee, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. nursebee


    This is not all that attractive for chart monkeys yet.
    I'd seen this restaurant in a nearby larger town but it had no appeal to me initially.
    My regular screening of IPOs turned this one up.
    It is past any lockup for selling shares.
    I judge it as having good leadership, good bizness plan, and they have been executing well. They sell stuff and can grow the business.
    Short term I think there is up to 20% downside potential.

    I would love your ideas on this company.
    I would love to hear why or why not to follow or own.
    It's almost lunchtime...
  2. xandman


    Chicago has a lot of great mediteranean restaurants. I could probably live off that cuisine alone.

    Aside from good financial performance. Things bode well for the healthy eating segment. All it needs is a social buzz. The ipo market seems to be going parabolic. Be cautious.
  3. nursebee


  4. xandman


    (Most) food stocks come and go. Are you holding for the next Starbucks/McDonalds?

    In any case, you should get a nice stock lending rate. Looking at the PA. I would be happy with the nice exit price.
  5. nursebee


    FYI, 20% to share lenders as of today.
  6. nursebee


    I gave up on this a while back but it should be "in play" for a little while after last nights earnings.