French Tanks

Discussion in 'Politics' started by thetraderprofit, Feb 17, 2003.

  1. msfe


  2. #32     Feb 28, 2003
  3. msfe


    The Battle of Kursk
    July 1943

    The Battle of Kursk was the largest land battle ever fought in the history of mankind. In addition to that, it was the largest land battle of World War Two, of the twentieth century, and perhaps even of all time (although that is disputed). Over one-million Soviet soldiers alone participated in the epic tank engagement at Prohkorovaka on July 12, 1943, the climax to the Kursk Offensive.
    #33     Feb 28, 2003
  4. skeptic123

    skeptic123 Guest

    For once I absolutely agree with you that Soviet Union was primary and predominant force in defeating Germany. What I did not and do not agree with is your statement that allied forces bombed primarily civilians.

    What I also disagree is manupulation of numbers and statistics:

    You remember the link you yourself provided: According to this page the total number of German casualties was 7 mln people - about half of it were civilians. Now you are talking about 10 mln military casualties on the eastern front. As always things do not add up in your posts. Check your math and your sources.

    The other point I want to make is that USA was in a direct military confrontation with Germany for less then a year, while Soviet Union was fighting for 4 years. Obviously if you compare casualties on western front during one year to casualties on eastern front for 4 years, the picture will be totally distorted. It is easy to manipulate the statistics, you should use some kind of common denominator.

    Yet another point - the US-Japan war and japanese military casualties are conveniently not taken into account either, yet it played a very important role in WWII. If nothing else, Japan was going to open a second front on Russia after it defeated USA. The map of Europe would look quite different if USA did not beat Japan.
    #34     Feb 28, 2003
  5. I like the idea that most of the german civilian casualties were caused by American bombs.....It makes me feel warm inside to know we are smacking those cowardly people around....The only thing that will make me feel better is if MISS GERMANY gets blown up in Iraq acting as a human shield....:D .....throw in a coupl f cowardly franch activist and Im calling it a successful year!
    #35     Feb 28, 2003
  6. its interesting that Russia held up their end in WWII, and now they are going to hold up their end in regards to Iraq as well even though it will cost them money. Its bizzarre that people from the former soviet union are better friends than the french.
    #36     Feb 28, 2003

  7. why is it bizzarre?? Russians tend to be very guarded and suspicious people...while the French are pathetic cowards trying to find an a place in this world....think about it? The french are doing this to try and regain some semblance of importance in he world, but in reality it's over for them and most of europe....the economies of Asia are blowing past them both economically and militarily....
    #37     Feb 28, 2003
  8. #38     Mar 3, 2003