Free speech and the Islamizaton of Europe

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by phenomena, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. Who knows... the Jews, Muslims and ChriSTIANS may enjoy watching you vent your spleen...and pancreas, and kidneys and... :D
    #21     Dec 24, 2010
  2. Nice story, but you concluded with a non-sequitur. Not everyone has the same fears and dislikes. For example, I do not fear fellow Brits getting married to the person they love. Whereas the vast majority of Muslims worldwide, not only fear their daughters and sisters marrying outside the faith, but they sincerely believe in their religion's pronouncement that this is a mortal sin. A large percentage of the world's muslims honestly think that a female muslim who marries a non-muslim (something forbidden clearly by the Koran) is deserving of death.

    Same with apostasy. The vast majority of non-muslim Britons believe in freedom of religion. None, except muslims, believe in executing people for changing their religion. A large number of Muslims think it is a mortal sin to renounce Islam, and many support death for apostates.

    So, those are just two fears and desires in which humanity is not similar at all - rather, Muslims are *radically different* in their beliefs to the rest of the world, and totally opposed to civilised society, humanity, and the rest of the world.

    To ignore this obvious fact and claim that they are just like us, is either gross ignorance and naivety, or duplicitous.
    #22     Dec 26, 2010
  3. But there is a bill of rights:

    What sucks is enacting bad laws. A bill of rights does not stop that, as evidenced by the fact that things like slavery, segregation, the patriot act, Guantanamo bay, asset forfeiture, eminent domain, and US foreign policy all occurred whilst the US bill of rights was in place; and that the UK has brought in these kind of laws despite having centuries of laws protecting liberties.

    Many former Soviet states, after independence, enacted constitutions modelled on the US one. A large number of them became corrupt dictatorships, others became corrupt democracies, almost none of them became like relatively free western countries. The reason is that a piece of paper cannot protect freedom. What protects freedom is a culture of liberty and a willingness of people in that culture to take action to preserve it from attacks, and spread it and maintain it. Things like constitutions and bills of rights are *symptoms* of a culture of liberty, they are not what cause it, and they only help it in am minor, peripheral way. Rest assured, if the culture of the west drifts steadily towards authoritarianism, then eventually each country will have such a large majority in favour of repressing freedom, that no document will stand in its way - constitutional rights will simply be repealed via the amendment process. It would be dangerously complacent to think that your liberty is secure just because of an amendable law.
    #23     Dec 26, 2010
  4. Lol, logic fail.
    #24     Dec 26, 2010
  5. let me guess

    you didn't even watch the documentary
    #25     Dec 28, 2010
  6. Do you disagree? Is your assertion that present Muslim birthrates in Europe do not stand to replace white, indigenous Europeans as the majority in the next few decades? Because that's what the math says. Add onto that current immigration rates and it comes down to the next couple instead of the next few... France is already 20% muslim and the French birth rate is btwn 1.3-1.6 women per child. That's not even enough to replace the indigenous French that are there. Add to that the fact that Muslim immigration is rampant, and that the average muslim birthrate is around 4 women per child. Within one generation, france will be majority muslim. The stats are a bit better for the UK, but not much. Is your assertion that this isn't true?

    Why do you suppose this "multiculturalism" is such a unicultural phenomenon? Why is it that there is no international pressure on non western, white nations to practice this multiculturalism? Where is the international criticism of the Middle East, Africa, and Asia for not being "multicultural" enough?

    They say that "diversity is a strength", but what "strength" has it really delivered? All I can see that it has delivered is higher amounts of rape, and violent crime altogether, huge drains on the social services and funding for them, increased unemployment, social strife, ethnic conflicts due to incompatible cultures, and a whole range of other conflicts which are characteristics of this hyper-diversity multiculturalist religion. Now they are claiming that they are being 'mistreated' because governments aren't giving them enough money, and adhering to their cultural proclivities and practices, they aren't given their own courts to enforce their own laws, etc. Perhaps it's just the evil white man once again, wickedly hording this "strength" from the rest of the world, selfishly keeping all of the benefits to himself :D Well, I agree we shouldn't keep this strength all to ourselves. In fact, white, western nations shouldn't take any non western immigrants until EVERY other culture in the world is every bit as multicultural as London, Paris, and NYC... Enough of this white selfishness....

    #26     Dec 28, 2010