FREE Shorting Stocks Seminar on Wednesday, June 27th, at 7:30 pm ET. Topics that will be covered include: * Benefits and risks of short selling * Charting and spotting short set-ups * The mechanics of executing a short sale * Managing the trade This seminar is absolutely free to all interested traders, however, registration is required and limited. If you are interested in attending this highly informative seminar, you can register in 2 ways: 1. Simply email with your name and desired user name for access to our live chat room. 2. Go to , click on FREE TOUR, fill out the registration form, and put the word SEMINAR in the "How did you hear about us" box. Access instructions will be sent to you by Wed. afternoon.
This is just a reminder for the Shorting Stocks seminar tomorrow evening. This seminar is open to all Elite Trader members. Hope to see you there!