Free Masonry

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by gartley222, Sep 19, 2006.

  1. maxpi


    I worked for a guy that wanted me to go to a meeting with him once. I have no clue why he thought I would like that or they would like me. I was a dope smoking communist at the time. I am glad I did not go, I probably would have been busted in the parking lot after the meeting.

    Regarding their religions, they are encouraged to attend a church of some kind. I knew one that went to a Religious Science church. The Baptists are the only ones that have an open policy about that, it is not hostile really, they just feel that Christianity and Free Masonry conflict. Most Masons are basically good guys AFAIK. They seem to be real active in law enforcement, same goes for Baptists come to think of it.

    The one I knew that was a judge was a big Church attender, Eastern Orthodox it was. He had some good stories. He got pneumonia and was in a hospital. After awhile he realized that one wing of the hospital was a rehab place and he had sent many people there. He expressed some concern to the staff. The next morning there was a crowd of people outside his window from the rehab, all there to wish him well, they got him a get well card and everything.

    Freemasonry claims it goes back thousands of years but no record of it exists before about the seventeenth century. They were instrumental, very instrumental I am told by one of them, in the American Revolution. Supposedly, the night of the Boston Tea Party, the attendance for the Masonic meeting was zero.

    The Catholic Church is a big opponent of Freemasonry, it's like Democrats and Republicans now that I think about it.
    #11     Sep 19, 2006
  2. I think I dropped my ring at your crib during the last sacrificial-meeting. I'll be by to pick it up.
    #12     Sep 19, 2006
  3. Im kind of disappointed. Where are all the lefty conspiracy theorists concerning this subject? I thought for sure the ET boys would be babbling something about Secret Societies, occults and so forth!
    #13     Sep 19, 2006
  4. bsmeter


    Confusion?!! ROTFLMAO!!

    No you're not confused. You're just plain retarded.

    Satan and his Masonic minions love Retards like you.

    And people wonder how a retard like Bush becomes president!! :D

    Hey retard, can you tell us what's going on here?

    <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by" /></a>

    <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by" /></a>

    And don't tell me "they both like the Texas Longhorns"!! ROTFLMAO!! :D :D
    #14     Sep 19, 2006
  5. Better just SWIFT your secret number to the Caymans so the boys at Rennes-le-Château can verify.

    Or just walk up the street. One of the two.

    #15     Sep 20, 2006
  6. Only date to the 17th century?
    I thought these groups traced lineage to the knights templar/order of the maltese cross etc, i guess you mean the only "proof" is in the symbolism, which goes back to ancient egypt .

    But, all these groups/lodges etc are different, so i dont know.

    Ive only ever seen the basic stuff, maybe its true the higher ranks are in a different league altogether, as the conspiracy theories suggest.

    For the most part, it seems to be an 'ol boys drinking club, just with silly rituals, and less drinking .
    Or is that what they want you to think.....
    #16     Sep 20, 2006
  7. Those pictures are pretty much positive proof, that's for sure!!


    Only a retard could question Bush's involvement after seeing a picture like that.

    Only a retard.
    #17     Sep 20, 2006
  8. It proves, politicians have a sense of humor.

    A very bad sense of humor, but still.
    I think its great they can torture, steal, lie ,thieve and perjure in their job,
    yet still find opportunities for some levity in a funny photo, and appreciate a running gag.
    #18     Sep 20, 2006
    #19     Sep 20, 2006
  10. Now you mention it, my suspicions of higher level freemasonry come from a book, a conspiracy book.

    A book that mentioned the symbols surrounding washington, the weird pentagram and -gosh, i darent' mention it, but that eye thing on the dollar......
    No, theres no conspiracy. Of that im certain.


    #20     Sep 20, 2006