Free historical data from around the World

Discussion in 'Technical Analysis' started by Shax, Mar 31, 2022.

  1. Shax


    stiggie, Tavurth and SumZero like this.
  2. mikeriley


    Thank you:thumbsup:
  3. zdreg


  4. Shax


  5. Shax


  6. thank you!
    let the profit be with you :)
  7. Shax


  8. Shax


    You can download these Commodities (all in Metastock format) here:

    Gold (1969-2018)

    Gold cont--Comex (1974-2018)

    Gold Mini-- Comex (2004-2018)

    Silver (1980-2018)

    Silver cont--Comex (1970-2018)

    Silver Mini Globex (2001-2018)

    P.S: I thank in advance if anyone would like to share the data from 2018 to 2022 in Metastock format of these Indices:

    - Down Jones Industrial

    - S & P 500
  9. Seems that is a really smart solution. Thanks for this advice.
  10. This is only scratching the surface, there are plenty more options with both webpack and webpack-dev-server (which you can read about here). You can of course make npm scripts for running other tasks as well, such as converting Sass to CSS, compressing images, running tests — anything that has a command line tool is fair game. There are also some great advanced options and tricks with npm scripts themselves — this talk by Kate Hudson is a great place to start:
    #10     Jul 25, 2022