"free groceries are now being sought by middle-class people"

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by cgtrader, Apr 28, 2008.

  1. gnome


    That's RIGHT. If the world were full of Hank Hills, it might be a little dull but at least it would be SANE!
    #21     Apr 29, 2008
  2. "If you're making $2,000 or $3,000 a month, how can you afford to eat?" she asked. "For a lot of people, you're either going to have a roof over your head or food. Not both."

    I will reiterate this one more time. Americans need to learn from those Immigrants they are quick to kick out of the US, They need to learn how to pool money together, how to stop spending and only buying the basics, sell your SUVs and buy a used 4banger for under 1000 bucks and use Cash for all transactions..

    I hate it when people cry poor while they are driving that leased Escalade to their McMansion at the yuppie ghetto.
    #22     Apr 30, 2008
  3. The problem is too many americans never had to feel the bad times.

    I remember the bad times when My parents who were immigrants from Cuba had to work like dogs, and I had to work when I was a teen and hand over half my check to the family cashpool.

    Times different today, My parents are well off and so am
    I it took lots of sweat equity but we value the dollar and budget our money. I think Americans in general just had it too easy and cannot cope or manage finances.
    #23     Apr 30, 2008
  4. There are very few good jobs left. All the jobs are being outsourced to India, China, and the Philippines. You can get people in the Philippines to work for a few bucks a day. How can Americans compete with that? They wouldn't be able to afford that 6 bedroom mcmansion and escalade.
    #24     May 1, 2008
  5. Outsourcing results incheaper goods though. The savings are passed down to the consumer.
    #25     May 1, 2008
  6. Up to point.

    Eventually the savings stop and the lowest ex factory price becomes the norm.
    ie china subs the work to vietnam who sub it to mongolia who manage a factory of robots.

    And if the USD crossrate does not recover, then your savings fly out the door.

    #26     May 1, 2008
  7. "Steven James, 43, works in finance, has multiple cellphones clipped to his belt and projects the air of a hardworking, successful sort of guy."

    Has multiple cellphones, probably owns a car he cant afford as well as a house he cant afford.

    "Has the air of a hard working successful sort of guy"
    In other words buys clothes he cant afford in order to create the illusion of success.

    How about ditching one of your "multiple" cellphones if you cant afford to pay for groceries. I got no sympathy for this idiot.
    #27     May 1, 2008
  8. "Works in finance"

    Reminds me of the most recent episode of The Office.

    (at a nightclub)
    Hot babe: "So what do you do?"
    Michael Scott: "I work as a bank teller"
    (cut scene to camera interview)
    Michael Scott (to camera): "Dwight told me to tell women that I work in finance."
    (cut back to nightclub)
    Hot babe (put off): "Oh, that's great. Hey, I have to get back to my friends. Thanks for the drink though!" (sauntering away)
    #28     May 1, 2008
  9. LOL
    #29     May 1, 2008
  10. maxpi


    Americans can learn to conserve, nobody teaches them though. My daughter got through college pretty much on her own after an initial investment by me. She worked part time. I was amazed that she could get a job in a college town but most of those students, tens of thousands of them in her case, apparently don't work, she moved and had a job in a month. She shared the rent with as many people as they could cram into a place and she focused on grades, got out of UCLA in 2 years after community college. She shared one little room with a girlfriend for a while and, they slept on the floor basically. That's what it takes and many don't make the effort until they have to. She did not have to but I told her how much of life was shitty with no degree and she just went straight for the degree in a bee line....... leading up to that I taught her about diet, she is not a sugar eating piece of tired lazy shit, that makes a big diff..
    #30     May 1, 2008