Free charting software?

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by Pilate, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. Pilate

    Pilate Guest

    I need something like E-signal, except I'm looking for a demo or shareware version respectively. Anyone know any decent 30-day trials or the like?

  2. QuoteTracker

  3. frankl


    Try Maran. It's totally free. Has some real time quotes, indicatores and trading systems...

  4. Ninjatrader is free in demo mode.

    Metatrader is always free and has a huge community of programmers who offer some amazing work for free. If you use the whctrader build you will get bid quotes real time for free for an amazing array of markets. I's kind of a big secret right now but its definetly the best best in the world right now for free quotes and charts. For this reason I won't link directly to it you have to google it yourself =)