Free carbonite style backup?

Discussion in 'Networking and Security' started by marketsurfer, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. Yes, the U.S. is still trying to extradite him but it is tied up in the courts indefinitely amid numerous suits and countersuits for prosecutorial misconduct etc. in both countries. He is not charged with any offence in NZ. It will be a long time before he is extradited, if ever.

    Meanwhile he has started his new Mega "Cloud" company which is heavily lawyered and very unlikely to run afoul of any law. After all, he is out on extradition bail still so he has to be pretty cautious.

    I think that it is a good place to store data, say as a secondary backup outside the U.S. for diversification of risk, because those servers are under NZ law and heavily fortified in every way, including extensive legal backstop.

    Not to mention it is the cheapest!

    I think that there are probably commercially available backup programs, some perhaps already mentioned in this thread, that can do automated regular backups to any Cloud storage, including Mega. I have to look into it.
    #11     Mar 19, 2013
  2. Brighton


    Thanks for the info. That's a lot of storage for free. I wonder how/when they plan to make money from it. is one more option. 5 GB free, lots of corporate customers, in business since 2006. It's just a place to store and share files, though. To my knowledge they don't offer automatic back-up or mirror image applications.
    #12     Mar 19, 2013
  3. I use google drive 5 gbs for free.
    #13     Mar 19, 2013
  4. Hmm, maybe you didn't get what I typed. I do pay for external drives to back up my computers, and I use the free offering from a site that also also offers larger space for pay. In other words Skydrive offers me the same options and utility for free that it would offer if I paid for more, which I don't need.
    I also am not a fan of putting to much personal or secure information with yet another company that claims they are secure. Hackers will get into all these places if they chose.
    I take a main external drive and once a month get it from our safe deposit box, back up 3 computers with complete new back ups and then bring it back to the bank. I also have 2 drives at home doing backups. So I guess I am not cheaping out. Don't take my comment personally, I was just using a phrase, but was not meant as an attack if you took it that way.
    #14     Mar 20, 2013