Fox News Runs Glowing Review Of Michael Moore's Movie

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, May 19, 2007.

  1. fhl


    So this film "sicko" is about the american health care system? I thought is was an autobiography.
    #11     May 21, 2007
  2. "Tales unravel about how a successful medical claim is called a "medical loss" by the insurance industry and how denying claims can lead to promotions in that industry. The film details how the health industry spent more than $100 million to defeat President Clinton's universal health care package and currently maintains four D.C. lobbyists for every member of Congress."

    #12     May 21, 2007
  3. If an insurance company denies a claim, most of the time the patient just decides to not pay the doctor. So really the doctors take the hit.
    #13     May 21, 2007
  4. fhl


    "Access to a waiting list is not access to health care," wrote Chief Justice of the Canadian Supreme Court Beverly McLachlin for the 4-3 Court last week. (2005) Canadians wait an average of 17.9 weeks for surgery and other therapeutic treatments, according the Vancouver-based Fraser Institute. The waits would be even longer if Canadians didn't have access to the U.S. as a medical-care safety valve."
    #14     May 21, 2007
  5. which is why many hospitals will not give you treatment without squaring away your insurance first. if you dont have a referral, forget about seeing a specialist unless you pay cash.

    and many advanced doctors like neuropsychologists dont even take insurance. they can afford to be selective with who they save.
    #15     May 21, 2007
  6. Maybe Americans are too smart to let Socialist Bastards take over
    the health care system in their country... Capitalism rules!

    If you can't afford health care in America, then go back to Mexico.

    Or better yet, move to Cuba and kiss Fidels ass like Mikey did.

    The Fat Fidel ass kissing Slob.
    #16     May 21, 2007
  7. How do 45 million people in this country without insurance get treated then? That's like 1 out of 6 people in the country that don't have insurance. Quite a large number, but it's understandable; either they pay for health insurance and starve to death by not buying food, or take their chances, go without health insurance, and use the money to buy food. Not a hard choice at all.
    #17     May 22, 2007
  8. Maverick74


    Free emergency room care. Free health clinics. Medicare.
    #18     May 22, 2007
  9. If they have Medicare or Medicaid, then aren't they considered insured? I assume the 45 million people that aren't insured have no coverage. Maybe they don't qualify for Medicaid.

    Out of curiosity, how does one qualify for Medicaid? What are the income/asset limitations?
    #19     May 22, 2007
  10. #20     May 22, 2007