fox news just cant help themselves.4 more years of disinformation.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. Ricter


    Like everyone else they're peddling a product.
  2. Lucrum


    How many more years of "crazy Christians" threads do we have to look forward to?
  3. The FOX gang is going to rant. It's what they and all the others do, but here's the point. We just sent the very same gang that couldn't get the job done back in to the game to get the job done. I mean top to bottom, the very same people on both sides of the isle. I'd love to think they're all going to get something done, but their history of working together is terrible. The biggest reason I supported Romney was we needed a new face introduced to the system. Well, that isn't going to happen now. The system is broken and we just said OK, you guys that have failed so miserably to get along...give it another go.
    I want this to work, I really do, but I'll not at all be surprised if it all falls apart in a hurry. The devil don't change, he just changes your expectations.
  4. Lucrum


  5. Sorry I disagree, I don't want this to work.

    The electorate voted for and won socialism. All true conservatives know where this leads.Failure now will be better than failure later.

    I say let'em have it good n hard.
  6. I know what you're saying, kind of, but I really don't want to experience a complete meltdown of our society. That won't be pretty and we may not be as prepared as we think we are for the coming chaos that ensues.
  7. Better to take the dose of an emetic now, than ICU later.
  8. Ricter


    You apparently don't believe the economic data being reported by various agencies now, would you start believing it, i.e. the same data from the same agencies, if you had gotten your "new face" in the presidency?
  9. I would believe what I see with my own eye's. Real results, not data. We just received a form letter this morning from one of our bigger customers, a local steel mill, that they will not be accepting any MRO deliveries until after the first of the year. Translation, all the money for anything that isn't an emergency has dried up. People I talk to in this very same mill, and other customers tell me they're slow as hell. You know when was the last time I heard all this fear and doubt about orders? Fall of 2008. We're on the very same brink again.
    #10     Nov 8, 2012