Fox News Buried Story Of Foley emails

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, Oct 3, 2006.

  1. Now I'm probably going to get spit upon, stoned, attacked by an angry bus mob and labelled here as some left wing commie artist French fag, ... but whathefuck, here goes:

    Why do "sex scandals" play such an important part in U.S. politics ?

    This folley deal, from what I believe to know of it, is just totaly blown out of proportion and irrelevant. The guy is a big closet fag, fine, no problem. The guy likes younger boys, fine (I hope the thought police don't exist yet even in the U.S.). The guy sent some porn links to some 17 year olds and maybe made some stupid inuendos, fine (not classy at all, but big deal).

    Lets put things into perspective !

    First, Capital Hill is a rough place and that is no secret. Hell, it should be rough. If Capital Hill types can't handle a litle porn and uncomfortable sexualy suggestive inuendos, how thefuck are they going to handle international diplomacy, national legislative process, and all the other though jobs that those pages were supposed to be learning about ? If someone is going to cry over being hit on by some big stupid closet fag (and we are NOT talking rape here at all... be it clear), that crybaby should NOT be within 100 kilometres of D.C... he's just not cut out for the job.

    Next, let us remember that many young men of 17 & 18 are participating and submited to sheer deadly violence in Iraq every day. That is a far more disturbing matter. Think of it, if some U.S. Marine capitain was found sending porn to his men along with lude & crude messages, he might get in a bit of hot water, but most would see it as just plain normal for mean lean killing machines such as 17 year old U.S. marines to induldge in some porn after a hard day of killing and watching buddy's head get blown off by Jihad Joe.

    Furthermore, if 17 year old men can not handle some porn and some inapropriate behaviour by some lude closet fag, how thefuck should we expect them to handle killing Jihad Joe and being killed in Iraq ? If a 17 year old guy can't handle porn and sexual inuendos, my God, the age limit must be raised big time to get into the armed forces as I am sure that killing is even more stressful than porn and midle aged closet fags.

    Finaly, the Lewinski blow-job eventualy landed Clinton in deep shit in front of Congress for getting a nice friendly blow-job. G.W. Bush, on the other hand, did not get that harsh repremand yet he lied to the world and started a massive war for no aparent reason in Iraq (the reason may be obvious, but the reasons actualy given for engaging batle have proven to be bogus). Many lives and families are being destroyed every few hours because of this war and lies, yet the American people, to this day, have decided to attribute more importance and hand out more severe punishment to guys involved in "sex scandals" (again, we re not even talking rape here) than the guys responsible for massive loss of life at the huge expense of U.S. tax payers.

    How different priorities and morals seem to be on the other side of the Atlantic

    ... but what do I know, I'm just some French guy that is used to disgusting sex and porn in decadant France :)
    #51     Oct 27, 2006