fox "bulls n bears"-the worst show ever!

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by executioner, May 19, 2007.

  1. Maverick74


    Just out of curiosity, what exactly are you guys looking for in a business show? Show far I've seen nothing but attacks on James Cramer, Fast Money, Dylan Rattigan, Melissa Francis, and now Fox Business. You guys really are a picky bunch. Seriously though, are you looking for a show that is going to teach you how to trade? And don't give me this "I just want to see a serious business show" crap. CNNfn, Bloomberg TV, and CNBC provide practically 24 hours business news coverage ad nauseam. So what's your excuse?
    #11     May 20, 2007
  2. I like Cramer.
    I also like Fast Money.
    This is because both focus exclusively on the markets, and keep extraneous stuff to a minimum, which is as it should be.
    I started out getting interested in the markets through Rukeyser. My dad was watching and I passed through the living room one Friday night as he did, and heard Rukeyser criticize Reagan (this was a long time ago, obviously) for his lack of economic leadership, in his opinion, and then slyly quoted Tip O'Neill, the then Speaker of the House, as saying "not to look for economic leadership from him". (O'Neill, that is, if that's not clear)
    I laughed, sat down, and began to learn about all kinds of things I'd never heard of before.
    A newbie can get that experience on Cramer or Fast Money; but from those Saturday morning Fox shows, well, I don't know what they'd learn, quite honestly.
    #12     May 21, 2007
  3. Maverick74


    Oy vey....
    #13     May 21, 2007
  4. Maybe what we need is 10 or 15 minute shows each by an individual analyst or writer on a daily, or multiple times a day basis.

    Bill McLaren does some good TA stuff late nites on CNBC europe, for example.

    Imagine having 50 different analysts or newsletter writers each with a mini show daily.

    Ok, it wouldn't be super entertaining with stupid jokes and idiotic subjects, but it might provide a useful stock pick here and there.
    #14     May 21, 2007
  5. Care to expand on that answer a bit? I did you the courtesy of answering your question, after all. I didn't expect to get hit with a pat bit of sarcasm.
    #15     May 21, 2007
  6. Maverick74


    Sure. You are forgetting what cable is all about, it's about entertaining. These are not serious news shows nor are they suppose to be. James Cramer is meant to entertain. That is why he screams, throws chairs and plays stupid silly noises and has phrases like "the house of pleasure".

    If you want to watch serious news and commentary, then watch either CNBC Europe or Bloomberg. But don't come on here and tell me Fox News Business shows suck but you learn a lot from watching James Cramer throw a chair across the room telling everyone INTC is a screaming buy and you should "back up the truck". You cannot be taken seriously when you make these comments. Personally I think CNBC (stateside) and Fox Business are both in the entertainment business with business news as a backdrop. One is not better or worse then the other. To say so is ludicrous.
    #16     May 21, 2007
  7. I watch Bloomberg, and it's certainly better, all around, but Cramer makes some very good points in between the flying chairs. He does that stuff for the obvious reason that it makes money for CNBC.
    Personally, I have nothing against making money, so I therefore really don't care if he throws chairs, pillows, or baseballs, as long as he makes a good point.
    Fast Money, meantime, is an excellent show, that also happens to be entertaining.
    The diff between these shows and Fox is that you don't have to wade through 15 minutes of crap to get to 5 minutes of stuff that's actually on topic.
    As for the rest, I'm not a snob. Sue me.
    #17     May 21, 2007
  8. The only bigger waste of time than watching a show that you don't like or think is the "worst ever" is to come here and write about it.
    #18     May 21, 2007
  9. Maverick74


    Please give an example. Show me an example of a show Fox business did that was crap, subject topic, guest, etc. And then counter that example with James Cramer and something profound he said on his show that you felt was of high quality. I can't wait to hear this. As the saying goes, the proof is in the pudding. Let's see if you can back up this rhetoric.
    #19     May 21, 2007
  10. I don't even watch the Fox stuff anymore. I did for a few years, and stopped when it took a full 15 minutes before they got off of whatever political point they were making that week and finally got around to discussing stocks.
    Cramer, OTOH, discusses stocks all the time, throughout his show.
    I made a crapload of money buying CMI after he recommended it, about half a year or so back, maybe longer. If you bother to actually do your homework, as he himself says you must, before buying something he recommends, you can make a buck or two.
    So yes, he has made me money. He stays on topic. He speaks clearly and always to the point.
    That's all I need.
    #20     May 21, 2007