Former national intelligence director opines Russia turned the election.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Cuddles, May 24, 2018.

  1. Cuddles


  2. Arnie



    Didn't you hear? Hillary got 3,000,000 more votes.
  3. Clapper. Seriously?

    Professional liar working full time to discredit the noose that is tightening around him for being part of the Obama spy scandal.

    He went from being a professional liar to becoming a CNN contributor. Was not much of a leap as you can imagine. Not only was he already a liar as required by CNN, he was already working with CNN when he was with the CIA. Refer to the released memos for more on that.
    Poindexter and Tom B like this.
  4. UsualName


    All spy guys lie, concealing their activities is the name of the game. He’s not wrong about Russia either.
  5. Sorry, but the bit about lying just being part of the game does not work when you are testifying before Congress.

    Stick with defending MS-13 along with the rest of your ilk. It is easier than defending Clapper lying to Congress and leaking to CNN and other sources and being one the major players in Obama Spy-gate.
  6. UsualName


    Man, you parrot Trump like a hypnotized zombie. “Spy-gate” isn’t a thing. If Trump had not had so many Russian agents and sympathizers in his campaign none of this would have happened.

    Clapper’s assessment is correct.
  7. Oh no. Some of us were on to Clapper's traitorous behavior long before Trump was.

    Ditto for Susan Rice and Samantha Powers.

    More to come.
  8. Poindexter


    Last edited: May 24, 2018
    DTB2 and Clubber Lang like this.
  9. bone


  10. Tom B

    Tom B

    #10     May 24, 2018
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