Former/Current CBOT 10yr pit traders?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by paperclip, Sep 20, 2005.

  1. If there are any current or former 10 yr note pit traders out there what were the three big numbers or items that you tracked/referenced while trading?
    (in order of importance)
    (eg: on-the-run cash yield, futures price, 2-10 spread)

    Also, if you have transferred to the screen, what charts and quotes do you track?
    (eg: daily futures bar chart, current yield curve, possible 2-10 spread symbol? etc)

  2. not sure how many out there will be willing to give away secrets for free to a newbie

    but there is a book about the life of a legendary
    30 yr pit trader out there ... it does have a short interview or rehashing of a lecture he gave
    while he was alive ...

    Charles DiFrancesca otherwise known as Charlie D

  3. Seth,
    I wasn't clear enough. I'm not looking for 'secrets' (lol) :-

    Just the basics, like in screen trading equity futures I would tell people to watch the SP futures price, SP index value/prem, vix, tick, (in that order IMO.. for me anyway), and keep an eye on the dow futures and major high cap issues cause sometimes theres a high cap leader or two, and so on...
    Just basic stuff on what it is they track, and what they would load as 'must haves' on a screen.

    Surely there must be some bond floor traders or experienced screen traders around?