Forex Options Brokers with stops

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by stevenpaul, May 23, 2008.

  1. Hi Traders,

    Can anyone name a broker or two who offers trading in vanilla OTC forex options and also allows automatic stop loss orders. I would sure love to be able to place stop loss orders to liquidate my options positions in the event of a sudden adverse move in the underlying. As it is, I have to watch the market like a hawk, which of course is a problem with forex, due to the need for sleep and an occasional movie. Any other suggestions for setting up an automatic stopping protocol using other software, etc.?

    Thanks so much traders,
  2. Try investegate a bit on - I think they support this.

    On a more personal note I would never use a piece of broker software that send the stop-losses to the broker for execution. The majority of Forex brokers have software that will chase your stop-loss, and they will spike you with a personalized quote feed.

    Saxo Bank is one example and almost all brokers that you metaquotes software.

    There are lots of software that can run 24/7 and watch your stop-losses locally.