Foreigners are fascinated with our politics. Why?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Ivanovich, Apr 22, 2010.

  1. Magna

    Magna Administrator

    Interesting, I haven't been to Canada in a number of years and didn't realize how strongly our media plays out there. Anyway, I live in Arizona the beautiful Grand Canyon State. I served 3 years in the military, love my country... and am thoroughly embarrassed by the vitriol and venom spewed on Canadians by certain self-styled "patriots" on this board. Canada is our neighbor, our partner, one of our longest allies and it just reinforces the unfortunately well earned image of The Ugly American. TraderNik (a Canadian) was asked by someone why Canadians had such interest in US politics and he gave a great answer:

    #41     Apr 22, 2010
  2. That is an interesting perspective. I wonder, though, in regards to your "ugly American" commentary, how Canadians (or any other nationality) would react if Americans were to go to their message boards and trounce politically on their system, administration, laws, economy, people, religion, etc.

    Is what you're describing an American issue? Or a Human issue?
    #42     Apr 22, 2010
  3. You know that I wouldn't tell the truth?

    ...another self proclaimed ET mind reader...

    #43     Apr 22, 2010
  4. Are you a hockey fan? Minnesota is thought of highly where I live due to their large base of hockey fans.
    #44     Apr 22, 2010
  5. American media is dominant in Canada. We our own programming, don't get me wrong, but obviously the major television stations and programs are American.

    I agree with the quote from traderNik.

    I also agree with your anger toward Americans spitting venom on Canada for no reason. The flip-side of the coin is also true. I don't agree with Canadians who bash Americans simply because they are American and are "fat, lazy, rude, etc....". We have arguably the best relationship in the world between two countries, yet some people seem to have the need to find conflict where there is none.
    #45     Apr 22, 2010

  6. LOL!
    #46     Apr 22, 2010
  7. Our message boards? I am not sure if country-specific message boards really exist...but I think I get the point you are trying to make. The answer is those Canadians that are please with the current economic/political/cultural state of the country will be offended by an American showing up and bashing the system. If the Canadian is unhappy, he will embrace the critical American. Same as anywhere.
    #47     Apr 22, 2010
  8. Either that, or you wouldn't answer - like your earlier post in this forum refusing to answer citizenship.

    Prove me wrong. Tell us all about yourself.
    #48     Apr 22, 2010
  9. Pretty much what I figured as well. It's a people thing, not an American thing.
    #49     Apr 22, 2010
  10. In the world of sane men, not answering a question and not telling the truth are quite different...

    Prove you wrong?

    I already have...

    If you want to find all about people, especially men, then go to a gay bar...

    p.s. "Tell us all about yourself."

    ...another person, of the right wing persuasion, speaking for the group?

    Hard to fathom...

    #50     Apr 22, 2010