Forclosure Map

Discussion in 'Economics' started by frank_london, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. August


    I live in Los Angeles and I just simply have not seen housing prices drop remotely as significantly as they raised.... yet. You'd think from this map people would be feeling dizzy from real estate chaos.

    A house that was 400k five years ago went up to 900k last year. Maybe it's dropped 12k from it's peak. (People, I'm using general number based on houses I watch obviously there is some variation)... but the point being over a 200% increase and then a less than 2% drop?

    I think we must have a ways to go.
    #11     Feb 4, 2008
  2. :eek:

    They can have my foreclosure
    #12     Feb 4, 2008
  3. August


    Um... where in CA is that? The only thing I can imagine is that it's near San Diego where there were massive fires which had nothing to do with foreclosure. Weirdest part is how the main video seemed like it was from the 70's or early 80's. Anyway.... I've not seen anything remotely like this in Southern or Northern CA.
    #13     Feb 4, 2008