Forbes ranks World's most powerful man-It is not Obama.

Discussion in 'Economics' started by MohdSalleh, Nov 4, 2010.


    #1 Hu Jintao

    Age: 67
    Title: President
    Residence: Beijing
    Country of citizenship: China

    #2 Barack Obama

    Age: 49
    Title: President
    Residence: Washington, DC
    Country of citizenship: United States

    #3 Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud

    Age: 86
    Title: King
    Residence: Riyadh
    Country of citizenship: Saudi Arabia

    #4 Vladimir Putin

    Age: 57
    Title: Prime Minister
    Residence: Moscow
    Country of citizenship: Russia

    #5 Pope Benedict XVI

    Age: 83
    Title: Pope
    Residence: Vatican City
    Country of citizenship: Germany

    #6 Angela Merkel

    Age: 56
    Title: Chancellor
    Residence: Berlin
    Country of citizenship: Germany
    Marital Status: Married

    #7 David Cameron

    Age: 43
    Title: Prime Minister
    Residence: London

    #8 Ben Bernanke

    Age: 56
    Title: Chairman
    Residence: Washington, DC
    Country of citizenship: United States

    #9 Sonia Gandhi

    Age: 63
    Title: President
    Residence: New Delhi
    Country of citizenship: India

    #10 Bill Gates

    Age: 54
    Title: Co-Chair
    Source: Microsoft, self-made
    Residence: Medina, WA
    Country of citizenship: United States
    Education: Dropout , Harvard University
    Marital Status: Married
    Children: 3
  2. Dictators, even if "democratically elected" have more power than Obama because they have little or no accountability.

    putin, chavez, castro, china president whatever the name, iran' amadinejad however it's spelled have more power.
    Even power to decide life or death.
    Absolute power is not a good thing.
    Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  3. emg


    its elitetrader moderator name magna.