For Waggie

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Jun 4, 2004.

  1. Maverick74


    Waggie, we exchanged about 50 posts back and forth yesterday over Bush's fiscal spending and suddenly you act like that never took place. LMAO! You really are a joke.

    Waggie, these arguments with you go no where because your mind is already made up, you hate Bush, nothing I say is going to matter to you. There is no point to arguing with you because you have just proven that when you lose an argument you immediately drop it and move to the next topic. So why should I waste my breath with you? You are such a waste of time. I rather debate with ART or RS then you.

    And you just love to put words in other people's mouths. So now you are blaming the recession on Bush? Like that had nothing to do with the internet bubble in the late 90's? Are you even serious man? You have to smarter then this, you just have to be.

    Bush had nothing to do with CA energy problems, take a good hard look at Grey Davis and his energy policies and you will have your answer there.

    The reason I'm tired of answering your questions Waggie is because I have already answered them 1000 times. Just do us all a favor and use the search button. I stand by everything I have posted on ET unlike you. If you want to pull out a particular quote of mine from your search, fine, I'll expand on that if you want. But you are just a waste of my time. All you do is cry like a little girl about the education problems in CA, you cry about Bush, the war, his cabinet, you cry about this and that. And of course your solution to all these problems is just spend more money and you know I'm a conservative, how do you think I'm going to respond to your suggestion that we just spend more money? I mean come on Waggie, do we really have to keep doing this all day long?

    I can tell you are a very angry and bitter man, maybe you left the floor too early, maybe you are having personal problems, I don't know, but you are mad about something, I know it's not an anonymous message board that is making you upset. Why don't you take care of your problems and come back on here and discuss things with a clear head. I have close to 3k posts for you to sift through. I think I have said everything I can possibly say about the war on terrorism and Bush and Iraq and anything I would add would just be repeating myself. So stop being so lazy and use the freaking search button OK?
    #11     Jun 4, 2004
  2. wags, ya got it! :)
    we don't need any stinking evidence...:D:D
    we follow dudya and cabal blindly. whatever they say is gospel, we must follow.:eek: :eek:

    What a fraud for war....:( :( :(
    #12     Jun 4, 2004
  3. Maverick74


    How can two aliases talk to each other like this? I thought Baron did something about this?
    #13     Jun 4, 2004
  4. There you have it!

    Mav cannot answer the question.
    The most ardent and relentless defender of President George W. Bush on cannot answer a simple question.

    That's all you need to know about Maverick folks!
    Just a lot of name-calling hyperbole and no facts, no evidence.
    It's all about the left and the right, but never about right or wrong for Mav.

    Why am I not surprised.
    How typical.

    #14     Jun 4, 2004
  5. I really thought you got over that fixation of yours long time ago..:confused: :confused: :confused: oh well...
    #15     Jun 4, 2004
  6. Maverick74


    Waggie if we are going to play that game you never answered me how you could have a best man and never been married? You never answered me when I asked you to find one single post where I said I approved of Bush's spending. I'll tell you what, you answer those questions that I have asked of you and I will for 100th time answer your question. Fair enough? I asked these questions of you long before you asked me your question. OK? Let's do this.
    #16     Jun 4, 2004
  7. Maverick74


    Dude I can see you both on my buddy list going on and off in unison. When Waggie gets off, immediately NVS gets on and vice versa, it's really funny to watch.
    #17     Jun 4, 2004
  8. My "simple" question about what evidence did Maverick see that was presented by the Bush Administration for justifying their invasion of Iraq based on an "imminent threat" had nothing to do with California's energy problems, California's educational issues, the nation's recession, etc.

    Yet, notice that Mav's latest remarks include all of the above, except for an answer to THE question.

    #18     Jun 4, 2004
  9. Maverick74


    I'm waiting for those answers Waggie. Is this going to take all day? Come on buddy, let's do this.
    #19     Jun 4, 2004
  10. Back to trading folks.
    Have a great Weekend everybody!

    #20     Jun 4, 2004