For those of you who trade thru IB ... who is your backup broker?

Discussion in 'Networking and Security' started by InTheZone, Sep 12, 2002.

  1. Hello,

    I am currently trading thru IB, due to their low commissions and quick executions.

    Like all electronic brokers, IB does have it's downtime on occasion.

    For those of you who trade through IB, who else do you use for a backup broker?

    The closest I've found to IB in terms of commissions and execution speed is TradeStation Securities, but my comments on TradeStation do not come from first hand experience.

    Any thoughts you might have for a good backup to IB would be appreciated.


    -- ITZ
  2. Terra Nova ...
  3. Thansk for your reply.

    I looked into Terra Nova. They received top notch ratings in the Barrons survey.

    The only thing that sticks out is the monthly Realtick fee (several hundred a month, which gets rebated if you trade actively).

    As I'm looking for a backup broker which I may only use occassionally (probably less than once a month), Terra Nova might be a little too costly for my needs.

    -- ITZ
  4. But you can use RT all the time ...
  5. mskl


    I thought IB was your backup?
  6. We haven't put a trade through there recently; but I am thinking about talking to them again ...
  7. MSKL,

    Are you getting anything today; like watching paint dry here ...

  8. mskl


    the usual - small stuff - TYC the best stock for me today
  9. mskl


    How could you ever live with the $1/contract rate?
  10. We had fun with that one too ...
    #10     Sep 12, 2002