For the experts!

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Stocktracker, Dec 2, 2019.

  1. Dalio on China
    #11     Dec 2, 2019
  2. dozu888


    use 2X play speed.
    #12     Dec 2, 2019
    nooby_mcnoob likes this.
  3. Overnight


    Dalio is an expert on the cable, yes?

    #13     Dec 2, 2019
  4. dozu888


    well.. of course Ray wants 'cooperation' because he's got money riding on it.
    #14     Dec 2, 2019
    gowthamn and nooby_mcnoob like this.
  5. He does, but what's wrong with win win
    #15     Dec 2, 2019
  6. dozu888


    it's been win win since WTO2001 and they are ready for Made in China 2025 (to take over all the high tech stuff, no more low value sweat shopping for the USA) and One Belt One Road (economic and military expansion to the euroasia continent) and these things are the beginning of the end of US world domination...and most Americans have no clue what is going on.... that's the whole point of MAGA trade war and it takes a biz savvy president to have the political will to do something about it. Only a true patriotic president would do something about it, because most people are just too selfish and want to get the short term 'win'... I am saying this not so much in a negative way... it's just human nature...

    every time the trade agreement gets delayed and Dow drops 300 points people bitch and moan all over ET.... just human nature..nobody is thinking the long term consequences if the communist party dominates the world... maybe I should lead an ET tour group to China lol and let people see the speed China makes things happen but at the same time the government is using facial recognition in every street corner.

    it's not just a matter of a few $$ in win/loss.... it's a matter of ideology and way of life.
    #16     Dec 2, 2019
    smallfil and volpri like this.
  7. We live on a particle of dust in this massive universe and we still can not get a long!

    #17     Dec 2, 2019
  8. dozu888


    imagine - you are here today, exactly because your ancestors didn't think this way..

    the ones who didn't care enough, who just wanted to get along... have already been eliminated from the gene pool.
    #18     Dec 2, 2019
  9. Overnight


    You need to HEAR the song, man. LISTEN!

    #19     Dec 3, 2019
    Stocktracker likes this.
  10. dozu888


    The vastness of the universe is exactly the reason we should appreciate the human spirit. If you look at everything as dust to dust, then is there a difference between Bill Gates and a homeless guy? why are you even here trying to make a buck and get ahead of everyone else?

    And this also tie in conveniently with the point that humans are insignificant in cosmic events - cosmic rays, solar activities, milanchovic cycles, all have far bigger effect on the earth climate than some co2 trace gas, of which human only contributes 2% anyway.
    #20     Dec 3, 2019