For the Bears, Permabears, Government-Haters and E.T. Curmudgeons

Discussion in 'Economics' started by jamis359, Dec 7, 2007.

  1. there's always a train coming thru town...

    some going north ... some south...


    It's good for health to be an optimist, why not? Monthly charts are bearish across the board, there is an obvious weakness that can be seen there, hence people are concerned that at least a major retracement is upon us. You can remain optimistic, but realistically one should show caution right now, let's be open minded, is this a double bottom or a double top? We don't know that just yet.
  3. Well, then choose wisely what to be an optimist about.

    If you prefer being long, perhaps you would like to trade TWM? That way, you can flip the chart over. More optimistic, I would say...
  4. Most of these people you slag...
    Are poor, disease ridden beggars...
    Living in Third World shanty towns...
    And ET is the only Ray of Hope in their desperate lives.

    As for the gamblers...
    Both PermaBears and PermaBulls are of no consequence...
    Since the ONLY way to make money is through Risk Arbitrage...
    Not making silly directional bets in the context of a Random System.
  5. ^word.
  6. joeski


    HoundDog, that's an interesting assertion you make. Can you expand upon it? I've been thinking a lot lately about the nature of "directional bets", and your assertion regarding the randomness of the system resonates, but do you really believe that the only way to make money is to speculate that a company will be acquired? How does one go about identifying such opportunities beforehand consistently? Or do you cast your net widely?

  7. I enjoyed that article
  8. Anyone who thinks corp profits can keep travelling at the growth rates they have for the past 4 years is kidding themselves i feel and at the end of the day that is what drives equity prices.

    Once it is realized that the fed cannot always simply reinflate the economy and that corp profits are going to level out equity prices will begin to reflect the new reality. It has been a fantastic ride (except for the bears that is) but sooner or later the bus has to slow.
    #10     Dec 10, 2007