For all the peaceloving anti-American ET Members

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OPTIONAL777, Jan 13, 2003.

  1. This is how many Americans see things...

  2. Babak


    ok...except that picture is that of the former foreign secretary or embassador to Pakistan (of the Taliban regime). Its not Mullah Omar. There are only one or two pics of him as he is very afraid of assasination attempts.

    But the point stands. War is hell.
  3. i'm gonna side with patton on this one...
  4. wild


    At a press conference in Regensburg, Germany, on May 8, 1945, immediately after Germany's surrender, Patton was asked whether he planned to treat captured SS troops differently from other German POW's.

    His answer was:

    "No. SS means no more in Germany than being a Democrat in America ..."

    more at artikler/general_patton.htm


  5. Babak


    Great men usually have a sense of humour. :p
  6. Go George !!! :) George Washington, George Patton, George Bush

    mental note to all that are against us: don't piss off a sleeping
    giant and don't stand in front of a moving train.

    Peace - through superior firepower !!!
  7. Unfortunately there are pathetic little dictators out there like Sadass and the North Korean Dr.Evil that make believe their piss poor population they are great and powerful enough to make war to the U.S.
    The U.S. would actually make those starving people a favor by kicking those bloodsuckers out, they are the main cause of the poverty in their own countries.
    There are pinko pseudo-philosophers in Europe and in America too, they show how stupid they are when they say the US want to control their oil. The US doesn't need to control the oil we pay for it and the oil money doesn't go to americans, it goes to banana republic dictators like Sadass and the venezuelan guy Chavez ... nobody needs world bank bureaucrats and dumb do-gooders to improve the world, we need to go to war and exterminate dictators from the face of earth because those a%$holes don't understand any other language and they laugh at us when we offer peace and a diplomatic solution.
    Sorry for the rant.
  8. wild


    Is America Becoming Fascist?


    The similarities between American fascism and particularly the National Socialist precedent, both historical and theoretical, are remarkable. Fascism is home, it is here to stay, and it better be countered with all the intellectual resources at our disposal.


    full article at


  9. Every generation needs a general patton to insure its survival even though he may not be a nice guy, and liberals will hate him. Remember, patton was hated by many even though he helped win WWII and was one of the best generals of the 20th century. Also recall that Jimmy Carter was a nice guy. Sometimes we need a legit leader willing to be hated for doing what is necessary.
  10. Yes, there is Fascism in the United States. There is also Socialism and Communism in the United States. The communists and socialists would like nothing better than to irradicate all the fascists, that would leave the field open for THEM to destroy our country instead.
    #10     Jan 13, 2003