Food reserves worldwide would last 74 days

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Slartibartfast, Aug 17, 2017.

  1. ElCubano


    It would cover all of north America in a volcanic cloud. I've been there, one of the nicest national parks I've ever visited.
  2. Pekelo


    That is why you have a better gun than your neighbour's...
  3. I inherited a sizeable cold war shelter in Southern California's mountains. It has a lot of land around it. We replaced the two toilets with todo washlet style as it eliminates the need for paper. Ok you don't need paper, been to India, but... a fresh bowl and all is good for the psychology.

    As I would never get to it in time I'm thinking of marketing it.


    Perhaps the Dump Hills (last) Resort?
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2017
  4. ElCubano


    Would you kill someone for food? under the above scenario?
  5. Pekelo


    It is up to him. If he doesn't mind to "share" some of his food, he can live.

    But seriously, in an every man for himself scenario nice guys die first...
  6. I think your in trouble already, 1960-2011.. great voice though.

    Poison gas, lots of it. Great stuff for dealing with difficult neighbors. If you have a fallout shelter of course.
    lawrence-lugar likes this.
  7. wartrace


    I've got a couple of years worth of long term storage food. I figure things will calm down after a couple of months. :)

    I am more than prepared to deal with guys like Pekelo. Nobody knows about my food. I probably have more advanced technology in arms than those guys ever thought of. They probably should spend a couple of grand on some LTS food rather than another pea shooter AR.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2017
  8. Since the war has just started, thank you for the LTS idea.

    Former US President George W. Bush declares the end of major combat in Iraq in 2003. Picture: APSource:AP





    Last edited: Apr 15, 2018
  9. #10     Apr 15, 2018