FOOD INC. What Government and Monopolies are doing to our Food???

Discussion in 'Economics' started by jueco2005, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. most of the stuff in this thread is fear mongering. i am old enough to remember how food used to be. food today is as healthy as it ever was and in the case of perishables much healthier now.
    for most people you can get the benefit of a healthier life with simple lifestyle changes. eat lots of fruit and vegatables, avoid red meat, dont drink dont smoke. avoid sweet drinks, get off your ass and do some physical labor or exersize.
    the organic,naturopathic, supplement industry is mostly a scam to seperate gullible people from their money through fear tactics. when i grew up on a farm we grew organic food all the time because we couldnt afford chemicals. do you know how we fertalized? we used the animal manure accumulated over the winter to spread on the ground that we grew vegatables in. how healthy do you think that really is? it was chemical free though. the truth is that without modern chemicals humans would starve because yields would be cut in half.
    #41     Jun 24, 2009
  2. ElCubano


    I'll believe whatever i want and from the security of your PC you can ridicule who you want. At least man up about being exactly what you say you hate....a fanatical lunatic about your belief's.
    #42     Jun 24, 2009
  3. ElCubano


    #43     Jun 24, 2009
  4. ElCubano


    readers digest just had an article about the growing number of consumers buying their meat directly from farmers who grass/field raise their stock. The price/pound is about the same as you would pay for hormone grown meat. The only thing is you have to buy like 1/4 cow...
    #44     Jun 24, 2009
  5. The comments made are based on factual evidence that the food and water supply has been compromised in pursuit of mass production and profits. The findings have been verified by independent researchers, govt agencies and the companies themselves. Many countries have banned certain practices when faced with the dominating amount of evidence.
    #45     Jun 24, 2009
  6. Interesting. I'll look into that. I don't mind making space for an extra freezer.

    I spoke with the wifey last night. She's game with having a few meatless dinners a week. It's a start.
    #46     Jun 24, 2009
  7. jprad


    My problem with the creation model is purpose. What purpose is served by building in design flaws like mortality and disease or asocial emotions like greed and jealousy not to mention extinction inducing extra-terrestrial objects?

    IMHO, everything's random. It's just as likely that we're just franken-primates.
    #47     Jun 24, 2009
  8. jprad


    I was in the Navy, stationed in the Gulf of Oman in '80. During that deployment we became acquainted with Parmalat milk that included "no refrigeration needed" on the container, presumably because of an ingredient that read "permitted stabilizers."

    If something so unnatural as milk that doesn't go bad is so healthy for you then why weren't we told what it was and who permitted it?
    #48     Jun 24, 2009
  9. Because you are on a "need to know" basis.
    #49     Jun 24, 2009
  10. Your friend lacks common sense. A dog is a carnivore. Humans are not carnivores, they are omnivores, not pure herbivores. We cannot digest cellulose, which all herbivores can. The whole argument that humans were not meant to eat meat falls apart at that one key point.

    Our digestive system and teeth are designed for both meat & vegetables. While we can live on meat alone, it is not too wise as there will be some nutrient deficiency along with a clogged digestive system. While we can live on vegetables, nuts & fruits alone, it is also not too wise. We will lack proper proteins, proper fats and B vitamins. Neither is optimal.

    The healthiest communities on this earth are not vegetarians, they are mostly meat eaters. One group is eskimos who can only eat vegetables & fruits in the summer. They live off fish & walrus, their primary energy source are fats. Another group, Hunzas I think, eat pork, beef, chicken, etc. I do know that Okinawas are vegetarian.

    If your meat is healthy, it has exceptionally high nutritional value and is digested very easily by your system. If your meat comes from your standard commercial meat farm, naturally your digestive system will struggle with it. It's not about whether to eat meat or not, it's how your food is raised & grown.
    #50     Jun 24, 2009