Florida Recount Finally Wraps Up, Al Gore Declared President

Discussion in 'Politics' started by gwb-trading, Nov 16, 2018.

  1. gwb-trading


    Florida Recount Finally Wraps Up, Al Gore Declared President

    As Florida finally wrapped up its contentious recount of the votes tallied in the recent midterm elections, a winner was finally declared: Al Gore is now the president of the United States.

    The recount process at long last found the "missing votes" that would have handed Gore the presidency back in 2000, making him the official president of the country.

    "Well, it's about time," Gore said in his acceptance speech. "Thanks to all the fine people that made this happen. It really is too bad that the earth is going to be destroyed by fire by 2015--err, I mean, 2019, or else I could really savor my presidency."

    Gore will be granted two terms as US president, ousting President Trump and canceling the 2020 election. "We just assume he would have won again and ushered in a liberal golden age," said an election official. "So he's got 8 years to reclaim his lost time. Make the most of it, Al, and great job. You deserve it!"
    Poindexter, wildchild, Max E. and 4 others like this.
  2. Wallet


  3. bone


    Priceless. :D

    I miss The Onion in its heyday.
  4. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    One can only dream how much better this country would be if Gore wasn't cheated out of The Presidency.Gore wouldn't have turned a 200 billion dollar budget surplus into a 1.2 trillion dollar deficit.Gore wouldn't have invaded Iraq,Gore wouldnt have crashed the economy etc.
  5. bone


    I think you’re right about Iraq - which is huge.

    You’re wrong about the economy - let me state my case. 1. Wall Street hugely greased New York Democrats who controlled State politics and were power brokers on all the important federal rules making committees, and 2. Wall Street and HF tycoons heavily fund the DNC. No way prior to 2008 were investment banking risk parameters going to get tightened. None. 3. Key rules making and legislative Democrats pushed mightily for relaxed easily obtainable home mortgage lending backstopped by Fannie May and Freddie Mac (taxpayer dollars). Barney Frank was at the zenith of his power, and no income mortgage verification loans (free market low or no income housing) were his touchstone. And Democrats held those Congressional committees.
  6. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    I think Gore would have saw it coming and did something and did something to at least make it not as bad.

    Gore definitely would not have allowed Clintons 200 billion surplus turn into a 1.2 trillion dollar deficit imo.
  7. Arnie


    Right. I mean its not like the Dems want to spend money.
    Meanwhile Kamala Harris wants a tax cut for people who pay the least in taxes of $2.8 Trillion over the next 10 years and $3.4 Trillion over the 2nd decade.
  8. But let's not forget:
  9. wildchild


    The funny thing is that media actually projected Al Gore to win Florida, BEFORE the polls in Florida actually closed. I still have not heard of an explanation of what they were doing.
  10. LacesOut


    Maybe Al would have invented a 2nd internet.
    Too bad he couldn’t win his own state.
    What a loser.
    In retrospect, making billions off climate lies was a good move for the huge hypocrite.
    #10     Nov 17, 2018