Florida is a mecca for traders, why taxfree Bahamas (50 miles away) is not?

Discussion in 'Taxes and Accounting' started by CSEtrader, Jun 9, 2018.

  1. CSEtrader


    Yes, I know, true... probably there are some loops because we did meet few Americans here who surprised us by
    saying that it is paradise for them also because it is tax-free. Maybe through some IBC etc.. well as for my knowledge it still will be dangerous and for the most people is obvious what you said, how could I forget? Lol, this is the answer to my why, Thank You!
    #81     Jul 8, 2018
  2. Pekelo


    There is an inherent leak in the logic: If you are so successful that you have a private jet, why do you care about such a pleb thing as taxes? You should be able to afford to live ANYWHERE, not just in tax cheat Bermuda. Certain rich people actually don't mind to pay taxes, see the writer of Harry Potter...

    Not to mention you are one hurricane hit away from being in a literal war zone as PR's example showed us. Then you are going to telling as how nice Belize is... :)
    #82     Jul 8, 2018
  3. Florida has no state income tax. Residents are required to pay federal tax...
    #83     Jul 8, 2018
  4. CSEtrader


    Are you trying to be mean towards me?
    I will not towards you and will try to answer in details, with the respect to your 13 years on ET and lovely avatar's photo - Because you are from the USA, correct? So at the side when your tax-money were used to kill civilians in the nonsense wars around the world and to sponsor tortures, for the rest you can see return in may benefit and also corrupted politicians punished, at least sometimes. This is not true in many other countries, where to pay taxes for people equal to sustain corruption. Plus if you were from France or Italy and making over million dollars in profit, you can be taxed at 90%. No one can be happy with that and people are building many alternatives to save themselves from this situation. So not leak in the logic, but just the situation observed from another side.
    As Will Rogers said: "We will never have true civilization until we will recognize rights of others", and I would add not only rights but also lifestyle choices.
    Others are maintaining their homes and residence in the Bahamas or similar places and are living around the world. My questions were why so few individual traders are here? Apparently, it is only Ryker and me here on ET and in the whole Bahamas, once we heard long before to met him here about one trader on PI (Paradise Island).
    Yes, still federal taxes compared zero is more, especially if your income is substantial. But I believe it is really not an easy option for the standard USA citizen. But for many others, especially Europeans with little kids, many of whom are moving in Florida for the reason of weather, the question on this thread should be valid.
    #84     Jul 8, 2018
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