Flight out of the country by US Investment Firms.

Discussion in 'Economics' started by EMRGLOBAL, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. MKTrader


    No time for daytime drama, but plenty of time to call for tax hikes on the "rich." But no mention of the untold billions being stolen from taxpayers (and the "next generation" you claim to care about) in the name of stimulus, AKA "gross misallocation of resources."

    I love how none of those screaming for tax hikes say a word about things like the $111 million stimulus in CA that created 55 jobs. Or expensive studies on African men's genitilia washing habits paid for by U.S. "stimulus" dollars (now don't get too excited on that one!) Or the "jobs saved" in imaginary congressional districts by stimulus dollars:


    The list goes on and on. This garbage and other billions spent on pork is what should be cut. The "rich" actually save/invest to support our capital markets, spend money in their communities and often provide jobs. Not so with absurdly misallocated stimulus.

    Maybe you should spend time on some other site. Last I heard, this site was for successful or aspiring traders who didn't want the bulk of their wealth taxed away and wasted.

    #31     Sep 29, 2010
  2. crm99


    Well the whole point of being a trader is not having to kiss anyone's ass. Especially Steve Wynn's.

    I doubt there are that many traders in the 39% tax bracket on this site. And even so, I wouldn't call 39% (marginal rate, at that) the 'bulk' of their wealth.
    #32     Sep 29, 2010
  3. MKTrader


    Better Wynn than Obama, who has never run a successful business (trading or otherwise) his entire life. His entire gimmick has relied on class warfare, living off taxpayers and being clueless academic. Oh, and writing books about a father that left him (not the grandparents who sent him to private school) and an autobiography at age 40. Megalomania knows no boundaries...
    #33     Sep 29, 2010