Flight out of the country by US Investment Firms.

Discussion in 'Economics' started by EMRGLOBAL, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. crm99


    By freeloaders do you mean the wall-street parasites that pay less taxes than the guy working 3 jobs? (And still bitch about it)
    #21     Sep 29, 2010
  2. Larson

    Larson Guest

    LOL! attaboy!
    #22     Sep 29, 2010
  3. crm99


    LOL. The EliteTrader bully that spends so much of his time posting useless crap that he's up to 4400+ posts thinks Obama is the dumb one.

    And really, considering who the Republican leaders are and/or have been, I wouldn't be playing the 'intelligence' angle too much if I were you.
    #23     Sep 29, 2010
  4. Bob111


    they already in place..and poor will be f* d the most. first of all-their lowest 10% bracket is gone. lowest will be 15%. that's 50% increase.pretty damn big jump,if you ask me..the list of other changes is pretty long and ugly..i bet businesses will be raped on taxes just as much as an individuals.

    #24     Sep 29, 2010
  5. MKTrader


    Probably more like the tens of thousands on way-extended unemployment benes, food stamps, SS faux disability claims, etc.

    Unlike Wall Streeters, these folks don't even to go to work. They don't have to leave their couches unless it's time to sign up for more "benefits" or vote for the candidate who will steal even more taxpayer dollars to support them.

    Hey, isn't it time for your favorite daytime talk show right now? Sorry to interrupt. Go cash the UB check and chill again. :D
    #25     Sep 29, 2010
  6. crm99


    Touching concern for the poor. There is still time for the Republicans to pass the middle class tax cuts.
    #26     Sep 29, 2010
  7. By freeloaders do you mean the wall-street parasites that pay less taxes than the guy working 3 jobs?

    HUH...lol. I doubt your statement could find any proof to back it up. WallStreet parasites pay a boat load in taxes...far more the the 3 job working 50k a year making Joe.

    Now with that being said. Wall-Street Parasites are the PUBLIC TRADED COMPANIES and BANKS. Those ass clown CEO's who destroy the company but recieve Millions in bonus money. BANKERS in general and all those who cry they are capitalist but want bailed out!

    I do not included the "Locals" in Chicago on the floor, or the Individual Traders.

    I do included the Brokers on the NYSE floor, chessy stock brokers from Ameriprise on down to Morgan as most are ass clowns and clue less.
    I include Mortgage Brokers as whole as well as Cramer on CNBC..pretty much a Knob.

    Wallstreet is no longer free markets interacting, its Corporate Socialism brought on by the Socialist in Office. The cancer goes deeper than anyone is willing to tackle or admit and the sheeple were loving it while they were able to cash on the destruction of Capitilism as Hedonism was their motto.
    #27     Sep 29, 2010
  8. crm99


    Yeah, I'm sure there are abuses but unfortunately the caricatures we draw on both sides do not help in either fixing them or even getting to the real issue of 10% unemployment and 25% for the young. (That's the next generation that has had a lot the jobs it could learn on exported to slave nations)

    Lunch break here, I don't have time for daytime drama. But hey, shouldn't you kiss the ass of some rich billionaire just about now. Make sure that he doesn't get upset with you and takes his business to Commie China?
    #28     Sep 29, 2010
  9. crm99


    Holly crap. I actually agree with you on this. Well, most of it.
    #29     Sep 29, 2010
  10. Bob111


    #30     Sep 29, 2010