Fitness Foods Make You Fat

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Baron, Nov 26, 2018.

  1. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Many people who want to lose weight do so by eating less. They become 'restrained eaters'. But according to health scientists Joerg Koenigstorfer and Hans Baumgartner, food manufacturers can easily break these people's willpower and get them to eat too much. All they have to do is promote their foods as 'fitness foods'.

    The researchers, who work at the Technical University of Munich in Germany and Pennsylvania State University in the US, studied the effect of fitness branding on eating behaviour. In the article they recently published in the Journal of Marketing Research they describe experiments they did with a group of students, average age 19.

    In one experiment the researchers divided the students into two groups. Both groups were given a pack containing a mix of nuts and raisins. The pack given to one group had nothing special on it; the pack given to the other group had exactly the same contents but was labelled 'Fitness Snack' and had a picture of trainers on it.


    Well nuts and raisins aren't the unhealthiest kind of food, although the calorie count is on the high side. But when the mix was packed in a bag labelled 'Fitness Snack' and with a picture of sports shoes on it, the students who were being restrained eaters started to eat more, as the figure below shows.


    In another experiment, the researchers got their subjects to cycle after they'd eaten as much as they wanted from their packs of 'Trail Mix' or 'Fitness Snack'. The figure below shows that the restrained eaters cycled less after eating nuts from the 'Fitness Snack' pack.


    "Restrained eaters want to manage their weight, but their weight control behaviors are not always successful", Koenigstorfer and Baumgartner wrote.

    "Fitness branding in food marketing can exacerbate this problem because fitness cues make eating dietary permitted food compatible with weight control, and increased consumption of fitness-branded food may even serve as a substitute for actual physical activity."

    Journal of Marketing Research: February 2016, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 124-138.
  2. Interesting. The triumph of marketing.
  3. I remember how "fat-free" was the marketing label that sold millions and Snackwells made a fortune convincing people to eat cookies as a health food because it was fat free haha.

    Same with "gluten-free" and "paleo". The sheeple just buy because of that label and don't think about what they are eating. I saw "gluten-free" on a bag of gummy snacks. Not an allergy notice to help parents but a marketing tool to make it seem healthy haha.
  4. Handle123


    It is so frisking difficult to lose weight for me now. I had gained in two years 260lbs from taking prednisone for Sarcoidosis. Given my age at the time, doctors wanted to perform surgery of removing most of my stomach, screw that. Since I can't eat meats due to body see animal protein as poison, I strictly eat veggies, the more red the better, and since I am on blood thinners, some veggies can't eat as they make blood more thin. I finally got off dairy except for 2 cups of coffee with cream, body needs some fat, overwise I use soy milk, almond too weak taste. Use stevia instead of sugar, my weakness is bread, have gotten this recently and pounds come back. You don't lose weight by exercising unless you doing hours of it at once, like walking several hours, mostly you lose water.

    Getting the other 40 pounds off, just a bear to get off, bounce up to 50lbs then back to 40 six months this year back and forth.

    I think the worst foods to eat are where they say "Diet" meaning there is non sugars in them. I actually feel more hungry after eating them.

    Way I lost most of the weight, buy a months worth of food at a time every month, stick to the list, only shop after eating 2nd meal, most calories of day. I am back on diet of 1,000 which need to be consumed in four hours, then just liquids rest of the day. Once I got off sugar and bread, tend to lose appetite. Have lost 22lbs this year, trying to lose 10 by end of the year.

    If you think about how groceries are planned out, except for bakery, best foods are against walls, and processed foods are not against walls.
  5. Absolutely false
  6. [​IMG]
  7. Handle123


    Being 62 years old, "The loss of this muscle mass and have zero production of testosterone production slows the metabolism", I simple not losing weight after doing two hours of cardio and one hour of lifting weights 4-5 times a week. I am losing water and minimum fat and gaining muscle.

    Thirty years ago use to lift 25-50,000 lbs a night at work and maintain weight and eat as much as I wanted, now it is just way different.
  8. Two hours of cardio and one hour of weights 4-5 times a week?
    First off, that sounds like torture.
    Second, two hours of cardio is most likely wiping out any muscle gains from lifting.
    Third, something has to be off on his diet or hormones/body if he’s torching calories for 2-3 hours 5x week and not losing any weight.

    On a side not, I’m actually most surprised that a 62 year old has the endurance to do a three hour workout once, let alone 4-5 times a week.

    I’m 46 and my strength has only slightly deteriorated, but I noticed around 43-44 that my endurance levels started fading much more rapidly.
  9. Handle123


    It wasn't like I started at this rate, first couple weeks couldn't even go more than 10 minutes of cardio a session and 10 pounds of weights, I was in poor shape four months ago. I have lost 170lbs past 4 years without exercise, but I don't believe it is through exercise now which I chop it up every 8 hours, 1 hour of cardio twice a day and one hour of weights, it is not going for lifting huge pounds, just want to be able to lift 100 lbs chest high, and I have to be careful as I am 6'6" tall with 3 herniated disks, L4-5 & T12. I am on 1,000 calories for three weeks then for 3 weeks I go to 1,500 calories then back to 1,000. I don't eat meats, dairy, I can't digest that food any more, so I eat veggies, half of it raw, try hard to not eat bread, switched to rice cakes, what delight that crap is. Like eating cardboard, I add organic jelly, I drink four times a day of barley grass for energy, but drinking it past 8 years, am always sleepy, Sarcoidosis is like am tired all the time disease, have high blood pressure controlled with drugs but Mayo clinic said drink lots of coffee- 3 pots a day.

    I have lead health troubled life from months old till now, pain tolerance very high, but have bags full of pain killers when pain goes above level I can't stand, you just get use to it. You either bend over and say it can't be done and become someone else's problem or you adapt and live best you can. And I don't want any pity from any one, detest that. It is like trading, you learn how to do it and do it well.

    I do walking for an hour, slow then fast, then slow every ten minutes, second hour is mixture of stair machine and then bike for last 30 minutes, then I have trainer to make sure I do weights correctly.

    I stopped taking hormones, my PSA is bouncing every month, cancer loves added hormones as it feeds on it I am told and with Sarcoidosis, injuries takes five times as long to heal. Plus, have extra chromosome, have lost nearly all my teeth from radiation and Klinefelter's-extra C.
    Going to get implants next year

    Am trying to do something else with my life, past 22 years don't remember being in gym too often till 4 months ago and my health has deteriorated in 22 years, when I worked hard before this time, felt better mostly. I don't have to work, and trading is 2 or 3 times a week testing something, exercising seems to give me more ideas to test. And I detest going to gym, I rather be doing anything else, I don't see how anyone enjoys this crap. I don't see pain as a bad thing, I see it that it is still alive, when things starts to go numb, another time to put it into high gear. I do keep stats on my gym time, just like trading, got to get better.

    Being you 46yo, if doctors came up to you and said if you don't get in better condition you won't turn 50, would you put it into high gear?
    LOL, I don't even remember being 46. Yeah, I do, dot coms topped?
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  10. Incredible story.
    It’s fantastic that you’ve overcome a lot already and continue to battle.
    Nothing but respect for you and hope you continue to fight for your health.

    Best of luck and good wishes Handle!
    #10     Nov 28, 2018