
Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by jj_jere@hotmail, Dec 13, 2001.

  1. Turok


    Don't know the broker. They might be just the cat's meow for some traders.

    They seem to have rolled the worst of the 'ticket vs per share' methods into one fee structure. If you trade smaller size (<1000s), you are generally better off with a per share structure. If you trade larger size, you are generally better off with a ticket structure. Here at Firsttradepro, it appears that you are generally better off just not to trade.

    With a fee structure that high, they better offer something pretty special (sorry, can't give any example of anything that special).

    Trade fee examples:

    Island, Arca, Brut, Redi -- $8
    Inca -- $10.50
    (you can commonly trade this for as little as $3 with per share brokers)

    Island, Arca, Brut, Redi -- $12
    Inca -- $14.50
    (as little as $6 at per share brokers)

    Island, Arca, Brut, Redi -- $15
    Inca -- $17.50
    (as low as ~$7.50 at per share OR ticket brokers)

    Island, Arca, Brut, Redi -- $25
    Inca -- $27.50
    (Not to hard to find a per ticket broker @ less than $10)

    Firsttradepro either believes they are pretty special or their customers are pretty uneducated.

  2. They have another platform without direct access @ $6.95 and $9.95 per trade. Why the difference?
    Anybody ever use them? JJ
  3. this company is undercapitilized, lacking in people (management or otherwise) with any type of market knowledge, and will likely fail. you'll just have to take my word for it.
  4. leafgreen


    > QUOTE]Originally posted by dafugginman this company is undercapitilized, lacking in people (management or otherwise) with any type of market knowledge, and will likely fail. you'll just have to take my word for it.[/QUOTE]

    * Hey, whoa, think: Is that likely given the capital req. to run that bus? Doing both websites (firstrade and firstradepro) cost plenty. On their website they say they've been in bus. since 1985. Kinda contradicts your statement. Are you a disgruntled, former employee or customer, perhaps? What's up?