First Story: The Game Nr 1.

Discussion in 'Economics' started by vkha, May 9, 2008.

  1. vkha


    I don't track the news, today I took some open numbers from Internet. As for May 2008, what maths tell me about last year is:

    There has been a great Game Nr 1:

    1. +BIDU: the NASDAQ top100 market has been forced by BIDU

    2. +GOOG: well, GOOG has assisted some steps behind and played the BIDU's game. no-no, they haven't been really competing.

    3. +ISRG: what is hardly to understand, the market falls in love with some ISRG so much, that ISRG has been pushed in the same duet team of the Big Two Players meant above and now we have a trio.

    4. +APPL, +RIMM: the trio stays quite alone playing their game. Hm, you'd say APPL played the same game? or the smaller RIMM? yes, they did, but "APPL" together with "RIMM" didn't manage to do even the same job that the strange company named ISRG has done. (Great. I thought, APPL has done the market with its iPhone-mania multiplied by macboockair-defense... Not the case! And who cares about others behind these 5 players?)

    5. -SHLD: So, who lost the game against the 5 great players? Yep, SHLD tried, but it was as visible as RIMM's effort...

    6. -LEAP, -NIHD: well other loosing players assisting the SHLD have been LEAP and NIHD.

    7. There have been many-many others, but not seen much visible ;)

    The Game Nr 2 has been somewhat different ;)

    to be continued?