Firms that specialize in liquidity rebates?

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by lundy, Dec 19, 2002.

  1. lundy


    After reading all the past threads on liquidity trading, I have decided this is what I want to do.

    Now I need to find retail firms or proprietary firms that specialize in this so that I can make my next move.

    If you have any experience with a certain firm, can you please post the details of your experience and contact info for the firm, or pm me the details.

    Thanks for your participation!
  2. bro59


    I was paying ECN fees for taking liquidity, receiving rebates for adding with Echo in the past. Now however they price me as an all in rate, no pay/no rebate, which is fine with me but obviously not what you would want.

    Depending on your volume record you should be able to find a firm which will negotiate with you a fee structure to suit your trading style. Don't settle for a canned fee structure, as one size does not fit all in this biz and everything is negotiable.
  3. They give liquidity rebates for trades on Instinet.