Finding the best Strategy; Condors, Lizards, Butterflies

Discussion in 'Options' started by motterpaul, May 14, 2019.

  1. jamesbp


    #11     May 16, 2019
  2. drmark27


    I agree with your first comment but really, is there any more or less evidence that any of TT's traders make a profit than there is for any other service/firm/trader/organization?

    qlai said "there are many people here who claim to be successful at this, so I hope they can share some of the concepts that makes it work for them." That's all they are: claims. You really never know how anyone is doing with their trading unless you've reviewed brokerage statements and tax returns. How many traders, gurus, or services provide for that?

    As for point #2, I couldn't agree more. Very disappointing...
    #12     May 16, 2019
  3. jamesbp


    Except the only traders that TastyTrade have disclosed performance for
    ... managed to blow up their accounts
    #13     May 16, 2019
    drmark27 likes this.
  4. drmark27


    Do you have a link?
    #14     May 16, 2019
  5. ironchef


    #15     May 16, 2019
    Aged Learner likes this.
  6. ironchef


    Yes. I read that many professionals prefer to trade volatility, correlations.... but they are way over my head, my old laptop and my VBA excel spreadsheets.
    #16     May 16, 2019
  7. jamesbp


    Despite the thousands of hours are archived video at TastyTrade
    ... the links to the shows in which they blew-up accounts have mysteriously dis-appeared

    When asked ... The TT guys suggested that there was just not enough space to archive all the shows ... right !
    #17     May 16, 2019
    Aged Learner likes this.
  8. drmark27


    Do you remember exactly what shows? And who blew up accounts... TT viewers or traders affiliated with TT itself?
    #18     May 17, 2019
  9. jamesbp


    Sossy was mentoring TT employees to show that anyone can trade the TastyTrade way
    ... the shows were called Where Do I start
    #19     May 17, 2019
  10. Just to be clear - Tastytrade is a very successful site and brokerage. And they are gaining more credibility every day. Karen the supertrader? Look up her story, she was a very big success until she made a technical error in reporting her income to her investors.

    Her strategy is to sell premium with very large buys (usually credit spreads or Iron condors) and using TWO standard deviations are her guidelines (meaning her POP (probability of profit) would be around 95%.

    Trading this way makes money very slowly and it requires careful stock picking, but her typical move if a position moved against her would be to roll out the strike to the following month (which is what TastyTrade generally recommends since you can buy the next month's same position and receive a credit to your account for time premium). That would give her 30 more days for the stock to move back within the 95% POP.

    She got the large sums of money required to use this slow strategy by taking investor's money (which is generally what brokerage houses do). But what she did wrong was one time when she used this rollout strategy she failed to report the first month before the rollout correctly as a "closed trade" - which it is technically, even though the same strategy is going going forward.

    I am not excusing her - she should have known better, but one can't deny her incredible success for a few years before this happened.

    Myself - I am in Tastytrade, and I find the hardest thing is finding the initial buy-in strategy. Iron condors move very slowly, and credit spreads use up buying power. It is better to have some directionality to to your trades - along with some trades that are purely for premium collection.

    The right stocks (high IV) in the right environment (high VIX) not moving against you too much can make this kind of trading a pretty good deal.

    But if anything, I find it really hard to work the TT strategy as directed, because when stocks move my first impulse to is to take profits by rolling up my legs 0 and that makes it pretty hard to keep track of my initial cost.
    #20     May 20, 2019