Finding Commercial Property for Bar in NYC

Discussion in 'Trading' started by NJ1000, Feb 20, 2004.

  1. NJ1000


    Me and a few of my friends are looking to open up a high class bar in NYC, a Metro 53 type place if anyone is familiar. A few of my friends are contractors and one's family owns a restaurant in the city. So there is some experience in regards to renovating and running the place. We figure we can raise about 250k to open the place. I wanted to know what would be the best way of going about finding a piece of property to lease for this type of establishment. Where to go, who to go to etc.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Mecro


    Metro 53? The one in Midtown?

    I would not call that classy more like bridge & tunnel trash.

    You need to check out some realtors. I would strongly suggest going through a recommendation or else you are guaranteed to get ripped off.

    The bar/restaurant industry in NYC is hurting badly and there are quite a few places closing. This is a good time to try picking up some property.

    Send me a PM, I might know someone actually.
  3. TGregg


    Moving to classified.
  4. ertrader1

    ertrader1 Guest

    MECRO is dead wrong.....about NYC hurting. In fact, NYC is bringing back the CLUB LIFE STYLE, back to the old school days of Peter G. and his Tunnel.

    Of course the scene i speak of is not the chessy, " i wana be scene after work crowd".

    How do i know that NYC is hot, well i my self am also a dj who travels the globe playing the best clubs the world has to offer. And for the USA, NYC is the only place to be right, LA, MIAMI and CHICAGO do not compare to NYCs up and coming dancemusic scene.

    Not only did CROBAR NYC open up with a spectacular venue, the crowd is strong, as it is at the ARC for Danny T's sound and at the SOUND FACTOR, (which has had its ups and downs). Then you have Centrofly, still rocking, along with Filter 14, and i could go on and on and on. Of course Those venues i speak of are not going off every night, they have their slow nights.

    Shameless NYC party has been packing them in at any venue they throw them at, as well as CAKE parties, which people fly from London and Ibiza once a month to attend.

    NYC is the only place to really think about opening a club. Of course im not in the chessy hip hop scene or the after work wana be VIP scene. So, i might be speaking of something diffrent than what ur looking for.

    I play with the likes of Paul Oakenfold, Sasha/Digweed, Testo, Boy George, and many more of the Global sounding guys. In fact Sasha and Digweed have return to set up residency at the CROBAR NYC.

    I run my record label out of NYC along with my partner. The quarter of a million will not fly in NYC, unless your going for a super small space. I mean super small. Im not so sure you can find any space with in the Manhattan island for 250 G start up.

    Second, even if you did do a small funky space, sound is key. And sound is not cheap, 100 g for sound is about right for a space the size of say, the Desiel clothing store or even the size of Filter 14.

    Third, your tallent, if your gona have djs, and if you want good talent that will pull a crowd will cost 180 g or more a year.

    I can go on and on and on......but now im talking about trying to compete with the real night life that flows from London and Spain.

    If you just wana do some after work "we think we are part of the Sex and the city cast", well, you can just throw something together and try to get Paris Hilton to show up. That scene i have no intrest in or any experience.

    However, if you wana make the cover of Mix Mag, or be known for globe traveling crowd that hangs out while listening to Dave Ralph and Fat boy Slim...then i can put you in contact with those that have the key...

    but you better have ur shit plan at hand and a cutting edge idea....other MECRO
  5. ertrader1

    ertrader1 Guest

    One thing, Metro 53 is a joke. No offense , the space is nice, the music sucks and they could have done so much better with the vibe. But to go intoa club/lounge for just the business end, that is what you end up with. The worst thing for the night life business, is to have a bunch of people, who never droped a pill, who never traveled to Europe to see the night life, ones who know nothing about music except what is hot at the moment, no forward vison, no true love for the open a space.

    Hacienda must be rebuilt, but i doubt thats what ur going for.
  6. How are you going to find the time to trade.......?

    This is traders website. I am curious you come here to ask our opinion.

    Do you think this is where successful people are?

    Michael B.

  7. ertrader1

    ertrader1 Guest

    Many traders have outside investments in clubs, one famous trader, mr bachelor himself owns a loung in Manhattan.

    I am a full time options trader, do it for a living, as well as produce music, and tour as a international dj. Of course, i can chose when to play in clubs and when to tour overseas, to fit around the market.

    I have two records out now, both doing very well and they were produced during slow times in the market.

    It is not like having a 9 to 5 job and trying to trade full time, the night life is diffrent. Of course im sure they will hire someone to run the lounge.

    so the idea is nothing new,
  8. fan27


    Where can I get some of your music? As far as DJ's go, I have a couple Sasha/digweed cd's that I really like. Is your sound anything like theirs?