Financial Regulators can kiss my arse

Discussion in 'Politics' started by EvOTrAdEr, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. In case anyone here isn't aware. FINRA is privately owned and funded by members. Some of these larger financial institutions that are writing these laws through lobbying, etc. are multi-billionaires. Some of them are close to being trillionaires. They've got all that money and yet they want to kill competition and take from people making less than $25,000 a year. People that can barely feed themselves and buy clothing for their children.

    Obviously, I'm not as PC as most on these boards, but that's because I am not afraid of some scumbag mafia regulator trying to invoke fear.

    What is going on right now is highway robbery. It's going on in EVERY industy, not just finance. Obama & his group of thugs are turning a blind eye to all these new job-killing regulations. Before you know it, most of you will be out on your ass in the streets if there is no collective effort to end this non-sense and restore peace and prosperity to America.

    Some of you are going to say "it's to protect the consumer." I agree to some extent. If you have an IQ below 50, you need to be protected by big brother government. The rest of us don't need to be protected from ourselves.

    I'm afraid those that disagree are the naive big brother seeking type that are going to find themselves in a miserable nightmare if they get the same shmucks running the senate and house of representatives (as of right now that looks like a lock).

    Oh and on a side note, if you work for one of these organizations, pass on this message:

    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´
  2. It's Fascism.

    Government and Industry working together and keeping the people out of the loop is the worst form of government.

    Unelected bureaucrats run things with no accountability to those that they should be serving.

    Don't bother trying to vote it out by voting for either major party.

    Don't bother trying to get educated about it via any form of the MSM.

    If you don't like it and you complain, prepare yourself for a protracted uphill battle...

    Have a nice day :D

    I'm getting ready to lawyer up and wage a campaign against some unelected bureaucrats at the County level.. it should be educational if nothing else...
  3. Lucrum


    Neat, do they offer classes on this art form in college? :D